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Asthma Community Forum

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All posts for October 2006

Theophylline toxicity??

Hi everyone Have been in costa again as collapsed with what appeared to be a pan...
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New to Asthma and worried

I think I need a bit of reassurance. Having been diagnosed with asthma after ge...
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feeling bad

went to docs yesterday cos chest would not behave and was put on steroids and a...
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Head spin

Hello all Does anyone ever get a head spin, you know like a lack of oxygen. Sinc...
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Flu in the house, what shall i do!

My dad has just come home with flu and i have not had a flu jab yet...severe ast...
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prednisolone and cholestol levels

hi, can anyone answer a question for me? been on pred for 6 years, and my choles...

What happens in an asthma review?

Got to go to my GPs tomorrow for an asthma review - not really sure what that is...
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Flu Jabs. Are they any good?

Hi Does anyone get effeted by the flu jabs? I had a flu jab when I was first di...
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hi im new with questions!

Hello! Im Jen and my eldest daughter Natalie (7) has what i would call ""seasona...
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bombard the Health Secretary with emails about flu jab???

ok just had a look at the forums and i'm angry and disgusted about the obvious s...
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asthma and gord(reflux)

Have been going to the GP for months with cough(more throat than chest) heartbur...
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Friend!! Need advice!

My friend has really mild asthma (she doesn't ever use an inhaler). I am more se...
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Anyone aware of a minimum age for flu jab

Hi everyone I phoned the docs this morning to book my little girls flu jab. I w...
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problems without wheeze??

does anyone else sometimes have probs with their asthma even without showing sig...
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Silly question.

Just wondering drive lines attached to nebs are usually about 1 metre in length....
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about to give birth!

hi everyone! its been a long time since i have posted on these boards but after ...
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Depression and Fluffy - again.

Hi everyone. I know I haven't posted for a while and I've missed all my old fri...
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The Health of Scotland's Bar Staff

Hi guys, I meant to post this article issued by BBC Scotland a couple of days ag...
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Is anyone else having problems getting onto the Parents and Carers page. I've tr...
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Hi All Does anyone have recurring pleurisy (different levels) when get a cold an...
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returning after a LONG break! hi everyone

hi all, possibly no-one here remembers me, ive been away for a long time, cut a ...
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any advice

I posted in yesterday, today i took my son to asthma clinic and she checked his ...
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To Work or Not to Work

How do you decide whether you are fit enough to go to work or not? I find this...
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Any of you medic trained know what is in Qvar apart from beclomethasone. Doc re...

Does anyone know what I.G.E. levels are?

HI all, just got back from my Chest clinic appointment, and had my I.G.E. level...

White Gunk / Saliva? (Sorry for utterly vile title to posting)

Sorry for repulsive nature of question! Although this problem has been going on...
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is this a call of concern

iv got a 3 year old son who has had asthma for about a year and half, he only su...
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oxygen levels and exercise

does anyone find that there oxygen levels are fine when sitting but if they exer...
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Hi I was just wondering if anyone has had or has helium-oxygen (heliox) to help ...
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