My asthma specialist changed my Symbicort to Trimbow. I was instructed to breath in and out ten times with two puffs. On the contrary, my pulmonary revalidation therapist asked me to breath in and out five times after the first puff and then have a break of about one minute before having the second puff and breath in and out five times. I'm a bit confused. What can be done when in such a conflict? Thanks
Trimbow with spacer: My asthma... - Asthma Community ...
Trimbow with spacer

I really know nothing about trimbow but when I did the PR course (Pulmonary Rehabilitation) it was strongly emphasised to wait at least 30 seconds between inhalations of MDI (spray type) inhalers. If you have a thorough read of the leaflet it should tell you this.
The asthma nurse on the help line are really great. I suggest you contact them. 0300 2225800 Monday-Friday 9am-5pm, message on WhatsApp 07999 377 775.I do the second version and was shown that way with my Fostair. One puff only at a time, although can't remember the wait time in-between
Thanks Blue-Breeze for your response.
Hi Ossing im on trimbow and that's how I take my trimbow wait one minute after 1st puff then shake to take 2nd puff I was told to wait one minute due to shaking inhaler to get the powder mixed to get proper benefit from it .
Thanks Danielmystar.
I take Trimbow the same way I take the rescue inhaler. I use a spacer, I breathe out as far as I can, then take one puff and hold my breath for as long as I can (30-60 sec). Then I repeat this for the second puff.
Thank you runcuclexcski.