Hi, Merry Christmas everyone. I was recently given amoxil for a dental infection and noticed my asthma and bronch was so much better controlled while taking them. Now I finished the course and after a few days I'm coughing and breathless again. Using my ventolin a lot so does anyone have a similar experience pls?
Amoxicillin : Hi, Merry Christmas... - Asthma Community ...

This could be
I use Amoxicillin as part of my emergency pack with steroids when Asthma/COPD worsens
Discuss with your care team?
Good luck
interesting. I’ve had poor asthma lately in the last couple of months and like you have just had a dental infection. I was on the same antibiotic. Just finished the course. I noticed on the antibiotic my asthma was much better too.
Hi, I had the same experience! Felt much better but then unfortunately got a chest infection and since then.... cough, cough, cough
may I suggest that you get checked for GERD and silent reflux. I also found that when on antibiotics following dental implant work my asthma was so much better. Only to subsequently find that I had severe GERD, gastritis and silent reflux. Once on medication for this my ‘asthma’ improved.,
Thank you - yes got haetal hernia and struggle with reflux but on omeprazole- you are right, GERD triggers asthma. I didn't know that until recently, my asthma nurse knew nothing about it.