I have been prescribed the above , I’m told can cause upset stomach’s and have to have a ECG and liver tests annually to check ok . Is this as bad as it sounds ? i only get asthma in the winter and chest infections so told to have in those winter months only . Anyone on this and symptoms ? does it work ? I’m so fed up of taking amoxicillin and prednisolone 4 times a year when flares up . Thanks Jules
Azithromycin: I have been prescribed... - Asthma Community ...

My consultant recommended Azithromycin about 7 years ago, and I can have a winter course, when required. I've only had 3 courses to date, and it works so much better than any course of antibiotics and/or Prednisolone for me. Each course is 16 weeks, with one dose to be taken Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
I've not experienced any side effects and it takes a while to have an affect, but it really sorts my asthma out, long term. I can't recommend it enough, based on my 3 experiences over the last 7 years.
Hi I've had side effects on this tried it fir 3 months. Think its worth giving it a go my nurse said drys up chest so yout less chesty with fluid. My liver is slightly raised you just have ecg first month and second, I had upset stomach I hsve sensitive stomach to everything. Now on biologics thety are giving me side effects, some people lucky don't get any.I've got to get back on antibiotics with it at somepoint.
If you write Azithromycin in the search bar you'll see dozens of posts with their replies on this subject.
I'm about to begin my 5th winter (winter's my worst time for exacerbations/ infections) on Azithromycin 250mgs three days per week November to April. In that time I've had only three infections whereas previously they were endless. I always take them with food as have a dodgy sensitive tum.
If found unsuitable for some there are other prophylactic abs to use (ie if you have heart issues). Always read the leaflets thoroughly.
I was nearly involved in a doxycycline study where they where trialing using doxy in the same was as azythromycin as some studies suggested it may work in the same way.... sadly the day before I was supposed to go the doctor called me and said I'm so sorry but the study is closed now to new participants.... so I got azythromycin instead
I've been taking azythromycin for 2 years next may... I wouldn't worry if your only taking it for the winter months
The ECG is because if your have a heart problem azythromycin can make it worse (prolonged QT interval or something) ... so there just doing their due diligence which is right.
Although I was told it needed at least 6 months "to do it's thing".... so that might be worth querying with your doctor.
I don't have any real side effects apart from the fact I noticed if I drink alcohol I get drunk really quickly; 1 bottle of corona was what did it(made me feel really drunk and terrible) .... however I didn't drink alcohol often so haven't drank any since not long after starting azythromycin
I had a three month course of azithromycin last winter and it has been life changing. I have bronchiectasis and asthma and I had endless chest infections over several years with numerous courses of antibiotics.
The azithromycin has cleared it. I have to be careful to avoid asthma triggers and take the medication but I have not had a chest infection for months now.I am so jolly grateful.
I was on 3 tablets a week for 3 months. I had no stomach issues. My stomach reacts easily to things but I was ok.I had an ecg and have had blood tests since. I think they are just very careful with azithromycin.
My quality of life has improved beyond all expectations. I still can't quite believe it after feeling so ill for so long.
Take care and good luck.
I have been on azithromycin for about 4 years now and take 3 times a week all year round. I have 6 monthly blood tests and annual respiratory appointments as I have asthma and bronchiectasis and I can honestly say for me it’s been life changing. My GP respiratory wanted me to come off it for few months but my consultant believes if it works don’t change it and I used to get chest infections constantly so prefer not to come off it. I haven’t had noticeable side effects so I prefer to stay on it and have regular blood tests because its what works for me.
I took it 3 x weekly for about 5yrs and it definitely helped. I had no stomach issues at all. Unfortunately I then grew a nontuberculous mycobacterium in my sputum, and once that happens you can’t take it anymore. I swapped to doxycycline (100mg daily) and that helps, but I don’t find it to be as good at warding off infection
Had similar AB recently no problems.
I already had problems with a hiatus hernia and diverticular disease, and also paroxysmal atrial fibrilation. Before I started with azithromycin my resp consultant took advice from my cardiologist and the gastro team and they were ok with me trying it as long as I had regular blood tests for a few months.
All was ok and the azithromycin has changed my life. My bronchiectasis is totally manageable now. I no longer hawk up loads of gunk every day. I rarely wake coughing (used to be every night). If I get an infection, it goes quickly and all my rescue pack meds are going out of date because I haven't needed to use them.
I am taking the Azithromycin all year. I have other unrelated health issues but my lung problems have finally taken a back seat.
Azithromycin is not a magic potion and does not suit everyone, but for me it has been a game changer and given me back a much better quality of life.
Xx Moy
Hi jules i am on amox 1 a day all week been on it for over 7 yrs i have Ashtma Copd and Broniectasis plus a small collasp on my bronchi been told im on it for life and it has been a life saver .i am a bit of a rebel and every so often when in feeling ok i dont put it in with the rest of my morning tablets and after a few days it starts sleepless nights coughing bringing up gunk and i hear my daughter shouting Breath😅.so back to taking them again as she now does all my meds 3 times a day and all i can say is try them i now i can't do without them .stay safe take care.x
Thanks mate i will give them ago , sending you my best
It's a commonly prescribedd antibiotic. I took it for 2 years to get rid of Lyme disease. In my experience, compared to azithromycin there are drugs with far worse side effects that asthmatics sometimes have to take.
Thank you