hi ihave copd and rely heavily on my ventolin inhalour, recently however the surgery is telling me that the government are making it difficult for people using this medication to get it for environmental reasons, i am as concerned as the next person about these issues but firmly believe there are other ways to relieve those issues besides taking much needed medicine from people with health problems,I have tried several other replacement sprays but ventolin is the only one that works what should i do
ventolin inhalour: hi ihave copd and... - Asthma Community ...
ventolin inhalour

Simply inform your gp practice/gp that you have tried other option and it doesn’t work for you so you need ventolin inhaler on your prescription.
This issue has come up a number of times and for the vast majority of people the change makes no difference. Whereas for some people it is a significant problem and they have asked to be re prescribed ventolin.
have you tried the Ventolin Accuhaler dry powder inhaler? Proper Ventolin without cfc
At the moment, I'm being issued with Ventolin no problem, but I always make sure I request the next one well before the current one runs out,. If I ever get changed to one of the alternatives, I plan to start using it immediately, before finishing up the old Ventolin, so that if it doesn't work, I still have some Ventolin left for emergencies while I go back to the GP to tell them that the replacement doesn't work. (Worth bearing in mind that it does seem to work for many people, but for something this important, I'm not taking the chance of running out of Ventolin until I know the replacement works for me!)
i have been told the goernment is changing lots of medications due to environmental issues i have already tried several other sprays which dont work my fear is they will stop supplying it altogether an its my go to when i need it what then, how can they do this
I don't think they will do that - there would be far too much of an outcry, because it is so vital to so many. It's not as if it's something that makes life 'better' - it's actually life-saving!
they have started to do this at my gps
If they are refusing to supply ventolin for you when the alternatives are clearly not working, then you definitely need to fight this. I would suggest calling the helpline first of all, as they may be able to suggest ways for you to challenge your surgery's decision. If you don't get anywhere after that, then I would suggest contacting your MP or local newspaper. Don't be afraid to make a fuss - you need to, because this is about something that could save your life.
hello. I use the ‘doughnut’ round ventolin inhaler which I now get on better with than the aerosol one. Ask your go to represcribe and see how you get on. Hope this helps you Also are you due an inhaler review to account for your copd? Wishing you good results
I've used Ventolin for years and i know that you can become used to it etc. However, my GP changed me over to Ivax (cfc free) about a year ago, and my asthma has been bad since. I explained to them that Ivax wasnt working and they said you just can't get Ventolin any more. I went online and ordered two Ventolin from a pharmacy in England (i've now ordered 4 in total). I told my GP this and they didnt care. Purely my opinion, but the Ivax (cfc free) inhaler is not a patch on Ventolin. You can even tell by the strength of the "puff" from the Ivax compared to Ventolin. So it now looks like our health has to suffer because people (who probably dont even have asthma) have decided to make changes....... Shocking.
i have tried other things, and they just dont work and i know what you mean about the strength of the puff i even showed my asthma nurse who represcribed ventolin but now it seems the government in their wisdom are trying to ban it, not sure what to do. Did you need a prescription to buy ventolin? the pharmacists by the way say they have no problem getting it
Hi. Thanks for the reply. Yeah, the Ivax can’t deliver the drug the same way due to it not have the gases (cfc) to propel it. In my opinion. I actually did another test and the Ivax is like a ventolin that’s empty, which is kind of what it is, sort of. No, didn’t need a prescription for ordering ventolin, just fill in their online form etc. I’m actually due to order another two tomorrow 😢. I’ve found that I need to press the Ivax about 4 or 5 times to get the right amount into your lungs. This can’t be right?!? On a separate note, I’ve now sent a complaint in to our local NHS as my asthma hasn’t been controlled for a year.
i think imight complain as well surely if enough of us do they will do something hope you get your asthma sorted soon
Thanks and the same to you. I’m sending a complaint letter to my GP today. I’ll order another 2 x ventolin whilst I’m waiting on a reply. Good luck 👍🏻
i have now had another medication changed without being notified braitas has been exchanged for tiogiva after looking online i have discovered that it has nothing to do with cfcs the new ones are the lowest cost, am seething