Hi all. For a few years now I have been using ventolin. The dosage I was prescribed is 1 or 2 puffs 4 times a day when required. I also have clenil as a preventer. I don't have any issues with this dosage but have recently noticed that everyone says ventolin should only be used as a rescue and only rarely otherwise asthma is not under control. I have seen my dosage on the guidelines for the drug as a standard dose. I also have 2 friends on the same dosage as me so I am a bit confused. Thanks
Ventolin dosage: Hi all. For a few... - Asthma Community ...
Ventolin dosage

Yes, the guidelines state that if Ventolin/rescue inhaler is needed more than 3 times in a week, the preventer is not doing its job and your medication should be reviewed by the GP or nurse. How often are you using the Ventolin?
I actually use it less than prescribed most of the time. But usually 3 single puffs a day. Morning noon and night. Sometimes more if after exercising.
It was the gp who prescribed it so why would he change it. The guidelines I have read say the standard dose is 1to2 puffs 4times a day. So how can it be wrong to have it that way.
I think the line in your original post was 'when required', which would suggest you don't need to use it all the time but when you feel the symptoms are starting?
Have a look at the Asthma UK website here asthma.org.uk/advice/inhale...
It may be worth speaking to one of the Asthma UK nurses who could provide some clarification or speak with the GP again.
Hi Gazza,
Using the two different inhalers can be confusing. However, Nsign7 is correct, needing to take ventolin on a very regular basis (as in every day) in order to relieve your condition implies that your asthma is not properly controlled and you need to get it reviewed.
To give you an example, my asthma is described as very well controlled. Like you I have two inhalers, a preventer (in my case Flixotide 250) and ventolin, the reliever. The Flixotide gets used twice every day, morning and evening. Because it’s doing a good job of controlling my asthma it is very rare for me to need the ventolin. As it happens this past week I have needed to use it but that’s because I’ve had cold which has triggered a slight asthmatic flare on a couple of days though note, I’ve only needed to use it once on each of those days, though I’ll admit on both occasions it was a double puff.
I really do recommend you go back to your GP and explain what’s been happening.
I agree this seems confusing and contradictory, but you are actually referring to two different things. The advice to take Ventolin as 2 puffs 4 times a day is to avoid accidental overdosing and to take account that it has a 4 hour half-life. However, that doesn't mean that you SHOULD be taking it at this rate, because it implies that the preventer inhaler isn't doing its job. However, from what you say, you are NOT taking Ventolin at this rate, but you might want to check with your GP whether increasing or changing the preventer may avoid having to use Ventolin at all.

Ventolin is licensed for a maximum of 2 puffs 4x/day, which basically means that is what the companies which make it and its generic versions are prepared to endorse, so it goes on the label, but it is 'as required' so up to that dose not that specific dose. In contrast, a preventer inhaler would specify exactly how many puffs and how often.
Anything more than the 2 puffs 4x/day is technically 'off label' use - perfectly legal and may be endorsed and recommended by doctors, but the pharma company is only prepared to support its use as specified on the label (lot of complex regulation around this).
In the case of Ventolin, using more is not really a major issue in itself - you'd get more than that in a nebuliser, and 10 puffs in one go throgh a spacer is recommended as emergency treatment in an attack (plus medical assistance).
However, as others have said, needing it that much is a strong indication that asthma is poorly controlled. In an ideal world the preventer(s) you take should stop you needing reliever more than 3x/week.
Hope this helps.
Theoretically you don't need a blue inhaler if your asthma is well under controlled. Nonetheless I used to take 2 mg ventolin both as a reliever and controller. It worked effectively for few years before my GP added a brown inhaler in addition to ventolin tablets. The new combinant also worked well for well for me. I guess if you're happy with the medications that you're currently taking, especially if they help stop the flare-up, then why bother changing?
I agree with Mackro why fix something that's not broken. 😁