hi I’m new to this group but after reading some of your posts concerning the removal of ventolin inhalers and replacing it with cfc free inhalers. I too have noticed a significant change in my condition I’m more breathless wheezing more and my chest is very tight. I’m going to complain to my GP this week to see if they will change me back to venolin wish me luck. Even if these are better for the environment or cheaper which I think may be the case that’s no good for everyone if we end up in hospital because our condition has worsened
venta55: hi I’m new to this group but... - Asthma Community ...

Wel ome to the forum x
Thank you
Hi iam new too, welcome, this is my first chat, ok if you feel worse because of the removal of the gas cfc would that not be that your illness wants cfc to feel better what’s that gas perpelant doing that without it your word, I would want to know what it does to help and without it in, your worse, please keep us informed, (can the cfc been helping all along 😳good luck on your out come👍
Welcome to the forum Venta55. I'm glad the forum has already proved helpful and you're advocating a return to your tried & trusted inhaler. Good luck.
How often do you use your blue inhaler? Do you use it with a spacer? Some years ago I was issued with a very large spacer which though easy to carry, was an awkward shape, which couldn't just be slipped into a pocket, but had to be carried separately. Just recently I've been given a new spacer, which is a short tube
It's much easier to use, and works, to get the Salbutamol where it's needed, into my lungs.
I should add that I was changed to a cfc- free Salbutamol inhaler several years ago, and it works as well as Ventolin did, especially with the new spacer.
I also have a preventer inhaler, which reduces the occasions when I need to use the blue inhaler. I last used the blue inhaler when I had a lower respiratory infection in early December.
My pharmacist changed over to the CFC free inhaler without informing me and I didn't like it so asked them to change back to ventolin which they did but I have to check every time I collect my prescription to make sure they've put the correct one in.
I've been more breathless recently even on the ventolin and I seem to be picking up more chest infections
My ventolin which is the normal puff style has not changed shape or method of delivery and has been cfc free for what feels like 2 decades.
That’s good but mine is having serious affects for some reason
I think they've all been cfc free for many many years, it is an aerosol still, is yours a suck type or something?
No it isn’t and I’ve only been changed recently but I’m having problems with this type
I'm wondering what the difference is? I just googled it and it says ventolin has been cfc free since 2008
Please tell your GP. I did, and she changed it back and also sent me to a consultant who told me to use a spacer (a narrower, shorter one, which I bought from the Internet), and told me to press the inhaler whilst breathing in. He told me to keep inhaling: in/out (don't press the inhaler) until the chamber of the inhaler is empty (you can tell) & repeat. I do the same with my two other (preventative) inhalers. I have been so much better and I feel my asthma is more under control.
Good luck!
Hi👋 I've had no experience as yet with cfc free inhalers but change should make you better not worse. The saying goes don't fix whats not broken. Ask to go back it isn't agreeing with you. Hope all gets sorted. 👍
I have had similar experience. If I didn't have Ventolin handy I don't think I would be here replying to you. The medics just don't seem to get it.