Hi, I was just wondering if anyone had any experience of steroid dependent asthma and what it means ?
I have been on pred for over a year continuously and recently had a hospital admission at the Royal Brompton for a steroid wean. I got down to 10mg and will have another admission next year to reduce further if I can.
It has been a tough time as I have been getting continuous chest infections as well. I have now started Azithromycin. Long term Doxycycline made no difference.
I have seen an consultant who specialises in infections and he couldn’t find a reason for me getting so many chest infections apart from asthma will make me more suceptable.
I also don’t get usual symptoms so hospital admissions at my local hospital are a nightmare most of the time. I don’t always wheeze and if I do I don’t know as I can’t hear it. It can only be heard by the person listening to my chest. I usually get awful tightness with or without shortness of breath. Sats don’t always drop either. I find it hard to be taken seriously when I am there which means I avoid it as much as I can which I know is not the right thing to do.