I have recently been ticked off by my asthma nurse as I wasn't using my brown inhaler and relying on using my blue reliver one. I'm now using my brown one correctly twice a day, and funnily enough have not had to use my blue one at all! The down side is I now have a horrible taste in my mouth. Has anyone else experienced this and if so, does anyone have any antidotes? Thank you for your time.
Horrible taste in my mouth! 🤢 - Asthma Community ...
Horrible taste in my mouth! 🤢

I brush my teeth after using my inhaler or rinse my mouth out .
You need to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth out otherwise you can build up oral candida
brush your teeth after your inhalers

I gargle with water a couple of times then spit it out after using the preventer.
What kind of inhaler is it? Is it a powder one, or a spray one with a canister (probably like the blue one)? If it's a spray one, you could use a spacer with it, which should reduce how much goes in your mouth (and increase what goes in your lungs!). This site shows the different types available - it doesn't need to be huge: rightbreathe.com/?s=&device...
I should rinse my mouth out but don't, but don't have a bad taste and have never had oral thrush in the 48 years I've been asthmatic. I've been using a dry powder one and it is the most effective inhaler I've ever used, Duoresp Spiromax 320/9.
Also Drink a lot of water or squash (or anything).
Hi do you rinse your mouth after taking dose I sometime clean my teeth and always use a space can buy st the chemist or on script.