Hello everyone is the brown inhaler better then the blue? Asking because I've been put on the brown one x
Hello everyone is the brown in... - Asthma Community ...
Hello everyone is the brown in...

Hi Shannon
Just to check is your brown inhaler 'becotide or is it identified as a preventer because the difference between a preventer and reliever is that the preventer should be used as directed on your prescription (It may say take 1 puff 2 times a day) preventers are used to reduce inflammation In the lungs and contain medicine to do that. Relievers are to be used as directed again on the prescription usually when you feel breathless. The two do different things. If you are unsure I would speak to your Asthma nurse as preventers shouldn't be used to relieve an Asthma attack. They should only be used to control your Asthma long term.
Hope that makes sense.
Hello well I went for my asthma check and we spoke and she put me on it two puffs in morning and st night well I had people out to check my in like November last year because I had tight chest but they said they didn't think it was asthma they put it down to stress! Anyway I still suffer so she put me on it my peak flow was 340 she said I should be in the 417?? Now I'm just constantly worrying myself I done my peak flow earily and it was 390
My I gently encourage you again to ring asthma uk helpline on 03002225800 9-5pm for help. You have so many questions and I can't recommended them highly enough you sound alot like me when I had my first asthma attack. Questions going round and round in your head. They helped me make sense of what was happening with my asthma
I have messaged Ashma uk,I'm a person who gets so nerous talking on phone
Usually the brown inhaler would be a PREVENTER to be taken as directed every day whether you have symptons or not, the blue is probably VENTOLIN and is a RELIEVER to relieve symptons when you have them .
However,to be sure as I haven't seen your inhalers,ask your GP or asthma nurse or contact AsthmaUK ( they are very helpful and no question is ever too silly for them).
Hope this helps .
Your chest tightness might be due to stress (mine often is). If you get chest tightness, just use the blue inhaler and see if it makes a difference, but keep using the brown preventer inhaler as instructed. Your peak flow has improved and that's the main thing; don't get too hung up on absolute numbers - they're averages and everyone is different. If it's any consolation, my peak flow is 300 when it should be 500 in theory; I can get 350 with treatment. I will never get to 500, but I'm still here!