Hello, I hope you are keeping as well as you can, and staying as cool as you can. I was wondering if anyone else finds it hard to breathe properly in this heat? Normally I’m okay, but now this heat is playing havoc with my breathing. I have found I’m taking my inhalers more often, which I don’t like doing, so just wondered if anyone else finds the same thing. Take care and please try to stay safe.
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Heat vs Breathing
You’re not alone 🥹. Hopefully it will start getting better as the weather changes.
Hi Jinnty you are certainly not alone. I have been struggling too. Trying to keep cool and also using inhalers more than usual. Hopefully the heat decreasing from today but I am in the north east hope it's the same where you are. I have been off steroids, for 2 weeks, now and praying I don't need them again. I am always chesty during the July and Aug months. But the 2 heatwaves, have made it harder to cope. Lots of fans on curtains, blinds closed. Bowls, of ice in front of fans,. Propped up in bed with wedge pillow hope this, helps abit take care will be floods next.!!! Xx
Hi Jinnty You are not alone, the heat is brutal if I leave my room I really struggle. I have a humidifier that you can put water and ice in that keeps my room nice and cool. So hopefully get some rain soon I know people like the heat but not me.
Ye i do i feel like im suffocatting also i finding that im maxing out on blue inhaler anc during the night i havd to use my nebuliser even though ive got 2 humidifiers going all thd time during the night. They say it becoming cooler this week.It is a bit cooler but still using hjmidfier down stairs. Im still on steriods finished the first coursd but they decided to give me a reducing course of them but they help a little bit but at the moment im lacking sleep