I also have thin skin,bottoms of legs,arms etc,the tears just like tissue paper on my legs I have had rips when I have banged into something, im 58 and its getting worse,like said I also bruised when just a simple knock,iv been told by my consultant that there is not alot that can be done,moisture creams etc will keep it from drying out but thats about it
Thinning skin due to steroids - Asthma Community ...
Thinning skin due to steroids

Oh my goodness, that one looks like needs medical attention. Hope it’s treated by now!
I have done this myself!
Take care! Watch for signs of infection... Warm, red, swelling.
Me too its awful. I've tried everything too I have scars from tearing mostly my arms. I avoid short sleeves as people think Ive harmed myself . The best moisturizer Ive found is clarins rich body moisturizer its a bit pricey, I tend to ask for it for birthdays or Christmas. If you have a department store with a clarins they will might give you samples if you explain your issue. I still try other products if I find one I will let you know. Dont bruise as much either.
I have exactly the same issue and just last week punctured the side of my shin with my thumb nail when pulling up my socks! I had an open fracture of my elbow last year and the surgeon said it was like trying to stitch tissue paper. I am rigorous about moisturising but just don’t know what else to do.. About 10 years ago a dermatologist switched my steroid ointment to Protopic (Tacrollinus) and that has reduced the risk of further damage, but it hasn’t reversed it.If you’re also asthmatic and use a steroid inhaler I recently found that this can also contribute to skin thinning. Double whammy…medsafe.govt.nz/profs/puart...
If anyone has any suggestions for improving skin thinning and texture it would be great to post them here.
so relieved to hear your story though as I’ve also found that to be true with my skin. At first I wasn’t sure that would be the reason but I’m glad I saw your reply . I read that vitamin D is really good for your skin especially if you don’t get ample sunlight. Vitamins C, E, K, are also necessary. So that’s what I’m going to add to my regime as well.
I hope the vitamins help, Vitamin D needs zinc to help it’s absorption it is also good for boosting the immune system. Take the highest dose you think is safe - an Israeli doctor advised all his patients to take 4000IU per day during the pandemic. Ask your gp for help and advice concerning the skin problem, it is really serious - ask for advice on vitamins etc. I also take an iron supplement.
I have exactly the same problem but I'm a lot older! I plaster myself with Aveeno moisturising lotion which I find is the best thing for the skin. Don't expose the areas to the sun as that makes it all worse.... I used to love getting my legs and arms brown.... no more for me. I also find that the areas where the skin is very thin.....mainly lower legs and lower arms... is hypersensitive to touch.
Ooh that’s shocking! 😱Sorry I don’t have any ideas on prevention but hope you manage to get some help for it
I’ve had same issue but dermatologist called them molluscs and appeared in crease of arm, the skin just split away quite deeply and took over a year to heal to the point where I have circles of tissue paper skin now (getting bloods done is fun), I was 21 when they appeared and now 34 still getting this. Dermatologist said it’s a result of combination of high dose steroids for asthma and steroid creams for eczema (which sometimes comes in hand with asthma). Dermatologist recommended a collagen based cream to boost skin up
Vit C boosts collagen production.
Sorry about that, I’m sure it’s as painful as it looks. I’m so relieved to hear your story though as I’ve also found that to be true with my skin. At first I wasn’t sure that would be the reason but I’m glad I saw your post. Hope you heal soon.I read that vitamin D is really good for your skin especially if you don’t get ample sunlight. Vitamins C, E, K, are also necessary. So that’s what I’m going to add to my regime as well.
All the best Supermoto
Bone 'thinning' is something you should also be conscious of. Hopefully, you are also prescribed vit D and calcium supplements such as Adcal D3 to protect against this.
I can second the use of Aveeno. Low cost and the only moisturiser that does not cause me skin irritation or itchiness. I don't have sensitive skin but I find that lots of aqueous creams and many off the shelf moisturisers are nowhere near as effective as good old Aveeno.
Just to add a note about moisturisers.. I used Aveeno with Shea butter for years but as a result developed a sensitivity to both Shea butter and oats…can’t even eat flapjacks now! My favourite is Neutrogena Dermatological unfragranced. Unfortunately they only do it in small hand cream sizes now, but I have it on repeat order from Amazon. I have been trying Ceravie but find i need to put the Neutrogena over the top of it to get a good result. I also always wet my skin or leave it damp after showering before moisturising to seal the moisture in. I second Trijim’s note about osteoporosis and also Vitamin D.
how much and what corticosteroids products have you used. I guess I was somewhat sensitive before I started but u mentioned something I also have issues. “ sensitivity or allergy “ like reactions. I’m constantly rotating my products just in case.i don’t understand it.similar with foods.i try as many unscented products as possible.its hard because I like scented even if it’s at least natural.
I honestly couldn’t count how many steroid tablets/inhalers/ointments I have used over my life.. I’m now in my 60s. If you are able to access a dermatologist it is very helpful to be patch tested for allergens that might be irritating your skin. Everyone is different and what works for one person may not work for another. For example I am allergic to essential oils, which are natural products. I hope you find something that helps you.
I have had this problem for a couple of years as I was on a very high dose of Prednisolone. Both of my hands and arms are badly scared from the skin peeling back sometimes even just putting my hand in my pocket to get my key out have ended up with skin peeling back. It took a while after stopping the steroids before it has got a tiny bit better. In the end I always carried a elastic bandage and some lint dressings to apply when I did it just to stop the blood going everywhere. I am sorry this will not cure it but helps to make life liveable and not so messy. I am a chauffeur and always wear white shirt and tie ! I can not remember how many times my shirts have been covered in blood before I knew there was a problem. Good luck and hope that this will help a little.
Omg what was the dose.do you take any other form or any corticosteroids since then? i thought the prednisolone was supposed to be safer than prednisone. I had something recently happen to my nose while taking very low dose prednisone and antibiotic. Like peeling and bleeding inside.this was while using the saline spray( not neti) and wonder if I became sensitive to the product that used to work.or some side effects from the prescription.
My that’s looks painful and needing medical help. I suffer with the skin thinning and creasing Not had one as bad as that yet Some interesting pointers from members about keeping the skin nourished At the moment I’m using dove moisturising cream. I tend to change creams after a while.
Take care and be mindful that it doesn’t get infected x
You should be taking 1000 mg of Vit. C twice a day.
Please avoid telling people on a forum to take massive doses of a vitamin that they may not even need to supplement, as if it will solve their medical problems. This dose appears to be well over the usual recommended daily dose for Vitamin C (which most people already consume in their diet even without supplementation) and may cause undesirable side effects: nhs.uk/conditions/vitamins-...
If you think it may be helpful from your own experience, please stick to saying that. Supermoto can look into Vitamin C and ask someone reputable about it (such as a doctor or pharmacist or reputable health site, avoiding sites trying to sell it.)
That's it. I just joined. I see what you are. I'm outta' here You don't even know how collagen is made. Bye.
I know Vit C is important and leaves the body quickly, but it’s nevertheless best not to take too much. The person could get diahorrea for example etc.
Oh shit, that looks painful. is this from oral or inhaled steroids?
My skin has gone see-through if you know what I mean. My hormones have been suppressed too, pituitary and adrenal.
In my case, Seretide.
I hope you get better care soon and things improve.

Hi there,its from oral steroids,30yrs of it,my skin on my hands is almost transparent and on my arms it is like tissue paper and it rips real easy,my legs has also suffered,this injury was only from my leg slipped of a kick start of a motor bike and slide down the kick start,I had jeans on but it still just took my skin of ,yes was very painful
Transparent skin, exactly. My arms show every vein it’s spooky!
Can you take anything instead of the steroids? How are your adrenals?
My bruising, tearing of skin now is awful & on one occasion (before covid) had to go to the wound nurse 39 times in 1 year, sometimes the wounds have ulcerated, get infected, have to have doppler tests, I can't even wear jogging bottoms with elastic, even putting on tights causes immense bruising, my arms & legs are covered in scars, my respiratory nurse was adamant & almost rude when I asked if it was my fostair causing it, it was making me so miserable, & then I started to look into it at depth. I found out that it was the length of time I had been on it 14 years to be precise & the dose you are on, I have 2 different respiratory nurses now who have at last agreed that it is causing all this bruising & easily torn skin.One of the ways you can help yourself is to keep the arms & legs moisturised, not with cream as the very putting of the cream was causing me problems but with lotion as that is thinner. I use QV skin lotion .
im in the US. I started high doses of inhaled corticosteroids. tapered myself to lowest -terrible side affects.are these skin issues this severe because of oral doses and what amount? I’ve been having a gradual worsening of different kinds of skin issues.blood draws are very painful.
I’ve tried some low doses topical corticosteroids( sparingly ,spot treatment) and recently less than 1 mg prednisone ( wonder if prednisolone would be safer)? It was taken with a higher dose antibiotic.i know my body and next time I have to be more firm because the side affects for me and prescribed medication especially antibiotic I have -are a lower threshold.
I’m trying to find products to help with skin dermatitis like moisturizer even shower products like Cetaphil. Trying to stop the inhaler I could never do.i tried so many alternative.so I keep the lowest effective dose.
Please to all medical professionals help us patients find things to build the skin back.( not just dry skin) heard collagen and other but don’t want to start taking a bunch of otc without guidance.I’m low dose and having so many issues.maybe it’s the accumulation of different corticosteroids products ( eye ,skin,lung,rarely oral tab) .