Hi All,
Been a while since posted as feel as been ok.
I have been fine for months no need for blue inhaler or any steroid etc.
Had two Pfizer jabs and had the usual side effects which diminished over time, had feelings of sickness and nausea, like a sick taste in my throat mouth.
However, I've had the Pfizer booster and 2 wks later, feel as if throat clogging up and SOB, feels like Asthma symptoms have come back? Anybody experiencing this or have done so?
Like I said not needed blue inhaler for a long time and now went back to it 2 days I a row... just feel exhausted and SOB and throat clogging up but can't bring any mucus up...
Could the booster have excarbated the dormant Asthma symptoms?
Any ideas? Greatly appreciated?