Hi all, wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I came down with a chest infection about two weeks ago, doc gave me 40mg of steroids and antibiotics for a week. Over the weekend I got worse and had to see another doc who changed the steroid dose to 30mg and a different antibiotic. Over the last week, about 20-30 minutes after taking the steroids I would start to feel spaced out, a bit confused and generally not myself. I spoke to the doc yesterday who deemed it the steroids that were making me go this way, and said that as I'd been on them 10 days they should have done their job and I'd be fine. This morning I feel like my normal self, but the chest infection symptoms aren't getting any better. I feel like my chest is tight, the phlegm isn't coming up, and generally a bit breathless. I'm unsure what to do as I don't want to take the steroids and feel spaced out again but not sure if they could give me something else? Has anyone else had this experience, or got any suggestions on how to ease the chest infection? Thanking you all in advance! Xx
Prednisolone making me feel funny - Asthma Community ...
Prednisolone making me feel funny

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I felt funny on it, too, but after about 3 weeks of constant use it was OK. My consultant said "do not make life-changing decisions while on prednisone".
Hi I have also had this experience from oral steroids (prednisolene). A few years ago I got a persistent chest infection and was given antibiotics and steroids from my gp.
I had never had this type of steroids before but my mother in law had COPD and was on and off high doses of them without any problems so I didn’t think it would be a concern.
But just like you describe it, they made me feel completely spaced out, like I was flying outside my own body, hallucinating and not being in control of my mind or body.
It was terrifying and I felt really scared. I carried on for 2 days then stopped and let the antibiotics & double doses of my inhaled steroids do the work. Which they fortunately did!
I do hope I will never need to take steroids again.
When I am on steroids I can't sleep, have a rapid heartbeat, hot flushes, tightness in head and dizzyness.
Steroids make a lot of us feel nuts--check the archives for 'prednisone' and 'prednisolone' and you'll find a bunch of posts on it. I've heard it called the devil's candy which I think is perfect. Sometimes it's the only thing that can calm a severe attack yet can make us irritable, spacey, manic, unusually ravenous etc. Hope you're feeling better soon!
Thank you! So glad I'm not the only one. Out of curiousity how long did it take you to start feeling "normal" again after you'd stopped taking them?
Hi nsrjones...I have many pulmonary issues and have had to take steroids many times to combat infection and wheezing ... I know that dropping from 40 to 30 mg. of Prednisone all at once may make you feel tired and anxious. Maybe taper off 5mg. at a time for a few days each til you reach 30...that's what my drs. always did. Ask yours. Good luck and feel better
Yes! Me too, they're a necessary evil though. I'd take one on about 8am and still get palpitations tge following night. It was horrible. Now if I need them (which is rare now I take prophylactic antibiotics Nov to April) I set my alarm for 5am, eat an oatcake followed by the pred tablet then back to sleep. It really really worked and I didn't feel half as bad.
nsrjones I hope by now you've spoken to a professional, I used to get the same issue & once had infections back to back for months. This sort of problem must completely wipe out your immune system. Hope you get a decent antibiotic for at least two weeks & I also hope that they're testing your sputum for the correct antibiotic for whatever bacteria you're growing. Good luck. P
Thank you! Yes I have seen a doctor, had bloods taken which shows an infection, and had a chest xray this morning. Hopefully can get to the bottom of it all, but they reassured me that my chest is sounding clear and oxygen levels are good so just got to try ride it out and let my body do the rest now. I will keep in mind about the sputum, and request a test if things get worse. Thank you again.