Shielding coming to end, what is everyone doing are they having to go back to work my letter ends 21st. I am T A at school due back after half term.
Shielding : Shielding coming to end... - Asthma Community ...

I’ve been recommended to keep WFH until I’ve had my second dose of the vaccine. I’m a teacher. My GP has said if required, she’d write me a letter but most places seem to understand that if you’ve been shielding, wfh is still sensible until after vaccine/levels drop considerably.
Thanks for reply. I have just had my first vaccine and now have flu from it, not sure I will be ready to go back. I had to have letter with date on last time otherwise I wouldn't be paid? It was nightmare to get through the receptionists to get letter think I'm on system now , I have been working from home abit, just hope I can do that for for now.
You can't get flu (or covid) from the covid vaccine. You can get similar symptoms but it's your body learning to protect itself against covid - it's not actually flu or covid. It should only last a couple of days (which probably isn't much consolation when you feel rubbish!) If by any chance you did have confirmed flu or covid then it would be a coincidence and not related to the vaccine itself.
However, if you're not well enough for work for any reason then hopefully a GP could sign you off anyway. Regarding shielding, there should be an update if it's to continue although if/when that will be is anyone's guess.
Could they not give you different duties? At the moment, I’m in a classroom with a very small number of children - a primary school. I feel pretty safe but I don’t think I would if I was in a normal class. I’ve heard of others being given admin duties, being given jobs like sorting out resources or dealing with the online working enquiries.
Hopefully there will be an update before the 21st and not at 9pm the night before! The governments website clearly states that shielding continues as long as the English lockdown so we should get a further letter for work . I'm like you if I don't have a letter my employer expects me to go to work , I work in a patient facing role in a hospital. My choices are resign or go to work, with some extra precautions and standard ppe. It is all very stressful and confusing, fingers crossed for further guidance soon .
I've also been shielding, I work in health and social care and the premises are not covid free. My manager has thus far demanded I return to work instantly when shielding ends and wants me back Feb 22nd. I have had to work between shielding dates each time until I receive a new letter with a new date. Im very concerned about having to go back again whilst the virus is live in the building. Im exempt from wearing a mask so work have provided me with a face visor but its very flimsy and will fall off the securing band if I even walk past an open window. Its very scary times and the added uncertainty of these last minute decisions is increasing my anxiety to boiling point.
Hi . I've just had an email extending shielding until 31st March , quite short notice for work but better than other times. Stay safe .