Hi guys! Confused as to where I might sit in the vaccine queue...I have very well controlled eosinophilic asthma but as this type of asthma is classed as severe would I be in group 4 or possibly 6?! Thank you 😊
Eosinophilic asthma & vaccine - Asthma Community ...
Eosinophilic asthma & vaccine

It's not the type of asthma that's relevant (not sure that's the right word!) All types of asthma can be mild, moderate or severe . If you are group 4 though you will have received the letters from the gov about being CEV.
Thank you! My consultant always says I have severe asthma but I m very well controlled...sometimes I don’t know why he says it when I am so well! But no haven’t received one of the letters 👍🏻😊
Severe also doesn’t always relate to how controlled you are. You can be a ‘moderate’ uncontrolled asthmatic or a severe controlled asthmatic. Severe is normally based on how many meds it’s taken you to get controlled. (There is also a range in severe which makes things fun 😅)
I think for the CEV group they looked at both the meds list and the amount of pred prescribed. But if it helps I think they’ve found that those with controlled asthma have no really difference outcome wise when compared a non-asthmatic. And that seems to be mostly evident from the stories on here, where people were able to stay at home if they’ve caught it and not required hosp, unless they were at more risk from other factors already (age/ethnicity etc)
If you’re concerned maybe contact your con and see what he says?

The easiest way to think of it is that if you have been asked to shield by the government (have the letters etc) then you are group 4. If you haven’t been asked then you’re not 😅.
Eosinophilic by itself is not always severe. It’s a phenotype, it’s just for years they only time they’d diagnose it was when people got to the point of being classed as severe. Now they test/diagnose for it a lot earlier so people may be in that phenotype but not actually be classed as what was originally called severe. Just like not all people with allergic asthma are severe, however they can be really severe. Hope this makes sense