Hi guys,
I know some of you are in a bit of a pickle with previous suspected covid last year, and since then having weird symptoms and asthma being a pain.
I too am in that boat I was exposed twice that I know of beginning of last year (before testing + covid was a big thing) since constantly tachycardic, SOB, fatigued to a whole other level, to name a few!
But still dancing around in circles with respiratory cons for diagnosis (been going on since Aug) before then had a diagnosis severe uncontrolled allergic asthma, eosinophilic asthma.
But now trying to say "its anxiety" or "its Bpd" or anything but asthma! I finally had diagnosis of gp last wk of long covid, but yesterday respiratory cons said no! Here we go again!!! So I'm doing my own research now.
Now we know a huge part of long covid is BPD, tachycardia, SOB, but other conditions like asthma can cause some or all of the above too. Here are some links feel free to read or add more, I'm not saying there gospel but it's a start in reading about something so new.
But if your symptoms are not under control please ring your gp or resp team, do pf before and after reliever an follow action plan!! Know when to get help. Sorry for long post!!! π€£π
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