I've had well controlled asthma pretty much all my life. However the past month or so I've been getting a lot more wheezing and having to take my ventolin much more often (pretty much once a day, whereas it used to be about once a week). I had my annual asthma review (by phone this time for obvious reasons) only 3 weeks ago and told them about it suddenly getting worse. They said to double the morning dose of my preventer (flutiform), however doing that still doesn't seem to have solved it.
I never get wheezy at night (only take my regular dose at night still), but am feeling wheezy most evenings around 6pm and having to take my ventolin. And even right now it hasn't cleared up properly and my chest feels a little tight.
I haven't been tested for Covid so there is a chance that I had it and it has caused my asthma to worsen. But I think it's more likely to be due to a lack of exercise (working from home- I previously cycled to work) and outside air, and also some anxiety from the current covid situation (worries about catching it).
I am going to try going for daily cycle rides/walks again to see if that improves things. If it doesn't I think I need to book an appointment with the asthma nurse at my local doctors- I assume I can attend in person rather than just by phone?