Worried asthmatic : I am a 52 year old... - Asthma Community ...

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Worried asthmatic

John2929 profile image
15 Replies

I am a 52 year old male & have been asthmatic all my life.. on a preventor day and night and ventolin inhaler during the day and used every day without fail. As I am not classed as severe but wouldn't be able to run up a flight of stairs without a few puffs of inhaler. I am still at office work .my wife is a carer with confirmed covid 19 deaths and I am really scared as surely I am more exposed than normal ...are asthmatics surviving after contracting covid 19 or are we always the underlying health stat..

Please advise..

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John2929 profile image
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15 Replies
Troilus profile image

Hi John. The thinking seems to be that those of us who already have breathing difficulties are more likely to take badly to a dose of Coronavirus as that can cause pneumonia like symptoms, and could also trigger an asthma flare up, giving us a double whammy.

Looking on the brighter side, there are those who were expected to sail through it who have sadly lost their lives, and those who were expected to die from it who have survived.

But, who wants to take the chance to see which category they fall into?

As someone with Asthma, I would advise you take strict precautions. If you are able to work from home, do so. Just don’t go out. Avoid people!

Of course you cannot avoid your wife and it is possible she could bring the virus into the home. How great a risk that is is hard to tell. It would depend on how many people she comes in contact with, and whether or not they are self isolating and how many other people are in contact with the people she cares for. Does that make sense?

You say your wife has worked where there are confirmed Covid 19 deaths. Are there still clients who have it? Have all contacts been tested?

The advice would be to carry out strict social distancing within the home. Staying 2 metres apart at all times. Separate beds. Cleaning surfaces etc. And don’t forget to wash your shopping! There is a lot more advice on the gov website.

Of course all of that is no easy ask. But, on the upside, it won’t be forever.

CallyBx profile image

Hi John2929,

I know how worrying it is - I’m 59 and I do have ‘severe asthma’ - I was in hospital last April/May for 3 weeks with pneumonia when I cracked 3 ribs with asthma! But I’m currently on day 12 of what appears to be moderate Covid 19 symptoms and slowly improving!! I’ve managed at home throughout and though it’s not been pleasant, it’s been no worse than viruses I’ve had before that have triggered my asthma. But my asthma has barely been affected so far! My peak flow has remained within 85% of normal and I haven’t needed steroids/antibiotics. The chest tightness/breathlessness has felt very like asthma at times but my peak flow tells me differently. So the answer is yes, we are surviving!!!

I also read in several places that the numbers of people with asthma who had died of Covid 19 were ‘underrepresented’ in early figures and they are still ‘not sure’ if it’s actually even a risk factor (eg: brit-thoracic.org.uk/docume.... Obviously given the fact that viruses are triggers for so many of us then it’s sensible to assume it might be. But it wasn’t for me (& apart from this, in the last 10 yrs pretty much every virus I’ve had has triggered an exacerbation of my asthma - it was very strange!!)

So, I hope that my experience puts your mind at rest a little, and I’m sure as more of us get it and survive it - and we will (although we can only assume that at this time given the absence of testing!!!) then maybe we can worry a little bit less...

Uppy profile image
Uppy in reply to CallyBx

Hi CallyBx,

Did you have a test for covid? And also could you please let us know what symptoms you are experiencing?

My chest and neck have flared up since yesterday which usually happens every time I pick up a cold or virus and I can feel some mucus too so I’m wondering if it could be covid I a cold. My 9 year old son who also has asthma has had a runny nose and sneezing for a few days now and spends a lot of time close to me.

I had the worst virus I’ve ever had back in November whereby I had to call an ambulance as I couldn’t breathe and then had to make several visits to the doctors over 5 weeks as I felt so ill and was not improving despite being on the couch for so long. My chest felt very blocked and my body ached all over. I’m hoping this doesn’t worsen in time. Thanks for sharing.

DeanSamson profile image
DeanSamson in reply to Uppy

I'm the same I have been at home for 4 weeks now and my asthma seems to be getting slightly worse. And my 10 year old son who has mild asthma is sneezing like mad. I thought it was hay-fever? We have started him on half dose antihistamines today.

Uppy profile image
Uppy in reply to DeanSamson

I’ve been wondering how he could have picked up a cold when we too have all been at home for four weeks. He usually picks up colds at school. Maybe it could be hay fever but we usually get this in May/June from grass pollen.

DeanSamson profile image
DeanSamson in reply to Uppy

My son suffers quite bad with hay-fever I tend not to so much. I have checked our temperatures and all OK and our Spo2 are sitting at 98% so I'm on the edge that it's not covid19. I'm properly going to start the antihistamines tonight aswell see if it helps.

CallyBx profile image
CallyBx in reply to Uppy

Sorry, Uppy - I’m new on here and replied to you on the main posts by mistake - hope you can find it below!

Uppy profile image

Yes that may be a good idea. I’ve read an article that looked at the symptoms experienced by covid patients. They varied quite a lot and not all had a cough or fever. Some had digestives issues and headaches.

CallyBx profile image

Hi there,

I haven’t had a test - it seems you can only get one if you are admitted to hospital with symptoms. And I have to say that was really difficult to deal with - I felt very let down that I couldn’t find out early on if it was the virus...my son lives in Australia & said I’d have been tested right away there because of having severe asthma. My GP and 111 both said to assume it was though from my symptoms. I had a temperature of 37.8 the first day which came & went, though generally I had a bit of a temperature at least once or twice a day - and I never usually get a raised temp. Also started with the cough and tight chest early on, and had a dreadful headache all the first day which came back from time to time throughout but not as bad. I had a very sore throat most of the first week. The cough has not been productive mostly though has been more so the last couple of days, but I think I’m getting pollen allergies now too as tree pollen is very high & that’s my worst allergy. The most specific symptom I got was the tightness and breathlessness - for the first week I had a strange tickly/irritated sensation going down my windpipe towards my lungs that seemed to be part of the tightness. I saw someone else describe a feeling like ‘talcum powder’ in that area.

But I do know that there is a huge range of symptoms and many people only get two or three of the main ones. I’ve also read that if you have a runny nose that it’s more likely to be a cold/hay fever - especially if you don’t have the temperature & cough. But if you’re worried definitely ring 111... they were great with me - tho they weren’t as busy last week I know. I also know that the anxiety I experienced when I realised I probably had it was like nothing I remember! After being very ill last year, like you were, I was so worried I would get a really bad dose. But I really was surprised how well I coped and how little my asthma was affected. As I said - my asthma had never been affected so little by a respiratory virus before....maybe that’s a positive sign that more asthmatics will experience as this develops - I really hope so! Either that or it was my amazing acupuncturist who gave me a really strong lung treatment just before the lockdown!!!

I do hope you and your son get better soon and that it ends up being just a cold/hay fever - the met office now includes pollen forecasts in their weather app if you’re not sure about the levels near you...might be worth checking. All the best...😀

Uppy profile image
Uppy in reply to CallyBx

Thanks for sharing in good detail and it’s reassuring knowing other asthmatics are recovering.

I get the feeling too something is running down inside my lung - I think it could be my inhaler - not sure. I think I have scarring on my left lung following my last pneumothorax 8 years ago.

I felt hot here and there yesterday which is highly unusual for someone like me who’s always cold. I was hoping the illness I had in November could have been covid. My chest is still tight today so I’ve just had some turmeric mixed in warm water which usually helps as does cayenne pepper.

Wishing you and all others suffering with the virus a very speedy recovery 🙏🏽

Holt_asthma profile image

Hi John,

I’ve got pretty bad asthma and I’m pretty sure I’ve had it and hopefully (touch my head) over the worse. I haven’t gone in to hospital at any point either. Couple of things I’d say:

1. Anxiety definitely made it worse. Eg I started feeling wheezy so suddenly went straight to “I’m going to get it really bad” - I think being able to stay positive and not getting anxious about it helps (if you get it). Just because you get it doesn’t mean it’s going to be the worse possible case

2. Hot steam baths with Vicks vapo rub on my chest helped me. Opening up airways and just relaxing me

3. I got a chest infection and I’m on antibiotics. I think I’ve always been prone to getting bacterial chest infections off the back of my asthma flaring up or a virus. Something to bear in mind if you start getting a dry cough that goes to your chest (eg not always viral chest infection)

John2929 profile image
John2929 in reply to Holt_asthma

Thanks holt.glad your on the mend. I do rub the vicks on every night which helps and getting anxious about things really does make things worse for me. Thanks for sharing appreciated.

CallyBx profile image

Just another quick tip for everyone - I know we’re all different and it might not help everyone but I find that ‘calpol’ baby vaporisers that come with eucalyptus, lavender & camomile refills are the best thing for my chest at night....in fact I’ve been sitting in my bedroom with two going the whole time I’ve had this virus!!! The essential oils help clear my chest and calm me down at the same time & I love them!! Originally got them for my grandson (also asthmatic) when he was a baby (now 8!) & they really help him at night too! (Sorry, I sound like I’m on commission!!! 🤣)

Keithr24 profile image

While I am on the shielding list, I would suggest if office based try working from home. I had started this prior to the current situation developing as it has.

Make sure you social distance with your wife, it's hard to I know, but it has to be done we actually bought a bed so my wife and I didn't have to share same bed, and while my kids are back home where possible we keep as much distance from each other.

Its difficult, but we just have to do all we can to avoid getting ill at this time, so a small price to pay.

Take care

If you click on my name, the last reply I wrote includes NHS and government links telling people to contact their gp if they think they should be shielding. Contact the GP and get on the shielding list so at least you don't have to go to work.

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