After not having asthma attacks for over 2 years, I got one over a year ago in a night club and without my inhaler panicked and panicked and just cried my eyes out because I couldn’t breathe and going to the only out door area which was the smoking area would have killed me.I had thought clubs especially because of such closed spaces and lack of ventilation would have had some sort of safe guarding plan of action but as it turns out, no club does. So my question is has anyone ever had that horrible sense of panic from realising they don’t have their inhaler on them and they are far from home and what they did? I would really like to hear people’s experiences with spontaneous and sporadic attacks as that is very much my asthma sadly and as much as a plan is helpful sometimes it doesn’t really prepare you for the worst case scenario which is not having your inhaler.
Asthma when you have no inhaler... - Asthma Community ...
Asthma when you have no inhaler...

There is always someone with an inhaler in any crowd. Like every 3rd person! Next time, don’t panic; just ask “ does anyone have an inhaler?”
I was in the library a while ago and a lady was sitting in a chair obviously struggling. I asked her if it was asthma and she nodded. I then asked if she had her inhaler with her and she shook her head so I asked her if she wanted to use mine and she nodded.
I given mine to use to someone else who didn't have their ventolin on them.
A young lady who I was working with stared to really struggle with her breathing and really started to panic. I immediately graped mine and gave it to her. She took a couple of puffs and was fine.
I left inhaler at home once. Attack suddenlly came. I drank coffee. Now I always carry my inhaler
That’s happened to me many times. One of the worst attacks of my life was a long number of years ago. I set off on a coach to London & realises I didn’t have one. By the time I got to the doctors & got one, I was in a complete state.
I very much panic when I haven’t got mine- even if I’m outside and it’s inside (i work in a primary school) I always make sure everyone I am with knows I have asthma and what to do (not lie me down!) if anything was to happen xx