Is anyone on phyllocontin? Just been prescribed this by my consultant yesterday. Interested to hear how effective it is. Thanks 😊
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phyllocontin add on...

Hi, this is quite a Marmite drug for patients and doctors I think (I love it, consultant does not but he had to admit I wasn't getting any side effects so was ok if it helped). If it works for you it can be great. I've been on it (2x225mg tablets twice daily) for nearly 6 years now - no side effects I've ever noticed and lungs get very annoyed if I miss. You may have been told this already but make sure you get the same brand every time - this is one time where they can't just prescribe generically.
I was told to start at one tablet twice a day and then work up gradually over a few days - did they tell you that? Also you'll need blood tests to check your levels, especially at first - GP can do that but need to keep on top of it while you're working out the best dose for you.
Hope this helps and it works well for you! That's my experience with Phyllocontin but others have been on it too I know. I know some people have found they get side effects at first but they don't last, while others haven't found it good at all and don't get on with theophylline/aminophylline - but as I said if it does work it can be a really good addition.
Thanks for your reply! Im starting on just one a day as one of my other meds increases the effectiveness apparently. Its the next step before long term steroids, so very much hoping it will work! The pharmacist told me about getting checked, by my gp receptionist was very unhelpful/dismissive. Would my gp just know to get things checked or would i have to chase it? Thanks.
i suspect you'll need to chase it. It's quite an old drug and not that commonly used so your GP may not be that up on it and his receptionist certainly won't be - so you'll have to push it. Not sure why the receptionist feels it's their place to be telling you about drug monitoring but I know while some are great, some seem to think they *are* doctors and can tell you you're fine over the phone.
I’ve been on it for years. It’s very effective.
Hi. Yes was on it for the last 2.5 years. It was great!!! Just been taken off it as my Xolair injections have kicked in.
I have been on it for three years. No problems and it has helped. I can tell when I have not taken it as my chest gets tight. Good luck xx
took it was out of my head on it took the gage off the hinges with the car Oh Well was also out of my head on pred , now on Spiriva not going too bad coughing a bit but just about ticking over and still keeping my job
Been on it on and off for 30 years, permanently for the last 15 or so. I love it, my consultant not so much. You do have to be very careful though as the therapeutic dose and therapeutic dose are very close