I've been reading the National Review of Asthma Deaths after the news last week on the increase in asthma deaths. I was diagnosed with asthma in January this year (54 with no history of asthma), after a hospital stay I'm managing very well on anti-histamines (over the counter) and Relvar Elipta 92/22. Whilst reading the report under Patient Factors and Perception of risk it states:
Patient factors and perception of risk
Patient self-management should be encouraged to reflect their known triggers, eg increasing medication before the start of the hay fever season, avoiding non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or by the early use of oral corticosteroids with viral- or allergic-induced exacerbations".
Would anyone know why asthmatics should avoid "non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs" I'm assmuming they mean something like ibuprofen?
Also, I have made an appointment to see the asthma nurse as my chest in the last 4 to 5 days is tight and I'm not feeling as well as I should, peak flow fine at between 450 and 500 (but then it always has been).. does anyone else have triggers at the beginning of August with allergic asthma, I can see that I'm doing anything different although I could have a mild cold but can't tell whether its a cold of flare up! I can't get to see the nurse until next Tuesday 20th.
Many thanks all Jo