Return to work last week.still not myself...manager so obvious not pleased with me. Not once has she asked how I was doing. But realise my health is what matters. Actual.think she does not get on want to get what I have been through vile woman absolutely vile. Rant over
Asthma not understood : Return to work... - Asthma Community ...
Asthma not understood
Oh how horrible. Some managers need to go on a training course to learn how to manage people. We are not machines!
Sorry that you have had that experience, it is the last thing you need when you are feeling unwell and doing your best to get well and manage. Yes, your health is what matters. Hope you find a way of managing her! Can't remember if you have Occupational Health? Although they vary. My son started reacting to dust mite in his office and it has taken him a year to get full reasonab;e adjustments made including getting carpet cleaned and air conditioning filter properly cleaned. Now he is in a different office and managing a lot better. Some manages need clear information about what is expected from them and how your illness affects you and what they should be doing.
Take care.
I'm sorry you have to deal with this! I've been there (currently still) myself with employers that just don't get it. I got told that I was being treat the way I was because "I didn't help myself when my sick note only stated it was for 'asthma'". I think when it's something that is so varied for different people, some just give up trying to find out and help, they just put all asthmatics under the same umbrella when it's definitely not like that. Have you tried speaking to her and saying that you don't feel supported at work? If that fails, is there nobody higher you can speak to?
I hope things get better for you ☺️
I think your manager could find herself in trouble she has a duty of care to you while at work Go to HR about this if you can This woman needs education Ooh rant over 😉
That's such a shame . Hope there is someone at work you can discuss this with.
They are supposed to make reasonable adjustments to support you. Hope you find a solution.
My manager was a real cow. I have now retired through ill health. You do come under the disability equality act and can have adjustments made at work. It was really difficult for me. Occupational health helped a lot and every time I went back to work I had reduced hours to help me back in slowly. You need to fight your corner hope you get the help and understanding you need xc
Thank you so tired but will fight my corner