My son who is 4 years old, has a slight cold, he’s recovering from it. He’s coughing slightly too. He has asthma symptoms but too young to be diagnosed, he has however been given both inhalers to use. I can hear slight wheezing noises sometimes during the day. He’s scheduled for tooth extraction under general anaesthetic next week. Has anyone’s child been through anything similar? Do you think I should reschedule?
Asthma and GA: My son who is 4 years... - Asthma Community ...
Asthma and GA

You’re best bet is to contact either your dentist or the place the extraction is taking place and let them know the situation. They’ll probably be able to work out the best plan, and whether or not to delay the extraction.
Good luck and hope it all goes well for him x
As EmmaF91 says, speak to the dentist for advice. My 4 year old, also with symptoms but too young to be officially diagnosed, has the flu spray scheduled for next week but has just had a flare up so we need to advise the immunisation team and they make the call.
Good luck.. 😊
Hi there,
I work as an anaesthetic nurse in an operating theatre (I’m the one who helps the doctor putting people to sleep). Generally, as long as asthma is fairly well controlled with no active infection, GA shouldn’t be a problem. Make sure your little one takes his blue inhaler before he goes down to have his anaesthetic, and take the inhaler with him.
Even if the worst were to happen and his asthma started kicking off, the doctors have everything they need there to help him.
Feel free to message me if you need to ask more in-depth questions about the anaesthetic or the process.
Many thanks for your reply Chukkin. Does it signifity any risk if he’s got an additional cough? He’s been under the weather for a few weeks now, which suggests a viral respiratory infection. If that’s the case, are they likely to still go ahead? He’s not had a fever above 38 so far.
Thank you so much for your help once again x
By under the weather, what do you mean? There is a risk with any GA, but things they will be looking for are fever, wheeze, congestion in the lungs, and coughing up mucus (as opposed to a dry cough). The best thing you can do is to be perfectly honest with the anaesthetist - give them all the details you can like how he is normally compared to now, any fevers, coughing anything up, wheezing, appetite, sleep patterns (does he sleep well or wake with symptoms). This will all help in the decision whether or not to go ahead.
Obviously, I cannot give you an idea of whether or not the procedure will go ahead, the doctors will decide what is best at the time given your little one’s condition.
He does cough but doesn’t cough anything out, slight wheezing sometimes during the day, runny nose, no fever currently.
I guess I will take him in and try give as much as details as I can to them.
Thank you so much for your reply
Most people have to wait until they’re over a cold, asthmatic or not before having a general anaesthetic. Leave it a day or two more, then contact the person doing the surgery. They may want to put it off a couple of weeks.
I have had my asthma symptoms flare up after being under anesthesia once for an endoscopy and another time for minor surgery. In both cases I was under for an hour or less. The week or two after were rough for breathing. I also seem to have bad breathing reactions to many drugs.
Just a quick update guys. They decided to go ahead with the surgery and all well so far. Many thanks for all your input and help, really appreciate it. X