My 14 year old daughter who was a happy confident girl was put on seretide. After be g on it for 5 months it has made her so anxious and suffer ik ng panic attacks. It would also make her heart race and sometime make her tummy twitch k ow it seems like a like of side effects but has anyone had any if these symptoms. Thanks
Seretide effects: My 14 year old... - Asthma Community ...
Seretide effects

Seretide is really good sadly it's also known as one of the inhaled steroids where quite a lot ends up in your bloodstream... if it's not agreeing with your daughter it might be worth swapping to something else?
However I would also say are you sure it's not just that age?... I remember being a stropy moody teenager and it was quite a difficult time at 14

These can all be side effects from the inhaler. Try taking her back to the GP, explain the situation and ask to try an inhaler with a different base steroid (beclometasone or budesonide) or a different LABA (formeterol). It may be just the combination of the fluticasone and salmeterol that she’s having issues with, or it may be one or other ingredient. Sometimes it’s just the brand! I cope well with ventolin MDI, but airsalb MDI (the exact same drug) I have issues with so it’s one of the ‘filler’ ingredients I struggle with, tho which 🤷♀️
Finding the right preventer can be a lengthy trial and error process... first make sure it helps the asthma, then make sure any side effects she gets she can live with
Hope that helps and that things get sorted for her soon x
Seretide has some odd effects, but heart racing sounds more like an effect from the blue inhaler. Maybe she is using this too often? You might try (v. hard with 14 yr old) to eliminate other things that could be causing her stress. Adolescence is a generally anxious time anyway!
Hi. I was prescribed Seretide about twenty years ago, and it seriously played with my head, I thought I was going mad and i was continuously crying. ( I can't elaborate more as I was in such a state )
I had such a severe reaction the GP took me off it immediately and put in a notice to the local health authority.
Get her off it ASAP.
Thanks have taken her off.
Sorry for short reply. Have taken her of fc seretide and brought her back t o go who proscribed pulmacort this h as d the same effect. Yes I t has messed w it her head she is as I said anxious having panic attacks an dx would feel like crying and ve r y sad sometimes. Sadly gp did no t comment when t old how she was feeling except to say s he still has chest tightness which I am convinc ed is down t o steriod inhaler as she had a mild allergy sort of hay fever about t t w o years ago. A s this summer was quite hight in pollen she had a lot of symptoms of hay fever. She never r had heart palpitations or anxiety or any messages of the feelings she is having g until she went on the steriod inhalers
I have been on it many years with no problem, but any steroid will cause this symptom. Just to ask - is she on Montelucust too? If so it can have severe side effects.
Never heard of montelcust. Is it another inhaler. I think she has just being unlucky and steriod has had some unpleasant side effects on her. Thanks for rrplying
It's s drug they often suggest if inhalers are not working but it has dreadful side effects, my son lasted a week on it. Just checking there wasn't something else in the mix, I hope you get things sorted xx
Just checked up did prescribe a tablet back in June which she recommend to take at night (she was still on seretide at this stage) they have being in medicine cabinet and we never used them. Have just checked the name and active ingredients. Montclair 5mg. One tablet contains montelukast sodium which is equivalent to 5mg of montelukast. I am so glad I did not give them to her considering the effects that the steriod inhalers are having on her. Do you mind me asking what side effects did they have on your son. Thanks for replying.
I tried seretide many years ago and it was terrible. I would suffer muscle cramps and muscle tears. I would also erupt in boils with yellow pus oozing from them. My nose lining would swell and become encrusted with large painful lumps. Seretide contains a long acting reliever which l think was the problem. A reliever is best used only when needed IMO.