Some good news on pip home visit. We have been granted a home visit. I would like to thank you all for your support and advise.. ♥ 😊
Update on pip home visit. : Some good... - Asthma Community ...
Update on pip home visit.

All the best, I hope things improve for you.
Any update how did PIP go?
Hi Smoggy no still waiting no news. 😩
I would phone DWP and ask them. It was a home visit wasn’t it? How did it go?
Yes it was, she stayed 5 mins and was more angry at them, as she could not understand what she was doing there as do much up to date medical reports. Will give them a call. They sent a letter to say a decision will be made and that's all.
Have you requested a copy of the report? You are entitled to that and don't have to give a reason. It is a shame the public are not aware of the huge waste of money so many of these assessments are such as giving someone a four year award then calling them in a year early to ensure their assessors have enough work and paying bonuses for failing so many people on the ESA work capability assessments.
Wow I am at a lost when it comes to PIP. They had no reason to call and I have regular check ups with specialist, local hospital and GP yet they still requested more info and home visit.. Why waste thier time and everyone else. Still no response. This has been going from April 2018.
It’s all down to money Monju. They are a huge wasteful organisation which is why I get annoyed when people complain about the benefit bill it’s these companies assessing so many people who don’t need assessing and too often as well. They also pay overtime to staff there too as well as bonuses. I would request the report, who did you see what healthcare professional? And ask why it is taking so long for a decision.