PIP: Hi Not written on this forum... - Asthma Community ...

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gypsy49 profile image
24 Replies


Not written on this forum before although i do come on and read ,

I'm wondering if anyone can help I suffer with severe Asthma along with other things such as severe RLS and fibro and deafness more deaf than hearing , I had my PIP assessment few weeks ago and today (Friday) i got a letter saying i failed along with some of the reasons why i can't believe the lies they've put one saying i can concentrate hmm of course i can concentrate i Lipread another saying i walk to visit friends and family now that's a joke as they all live 9 miles away there's no buses from here and i walk to see a friend that lives 4 doors away lol wow! not to mention i walk over a field to visit my daughter don't know whether to laugh or cry walking across a field then jumping a stream isn't something i'd recommend with Asthma .

I told her that only a few weeks ago i had a severe asthma attack where my doctors wanted me to go into hospital as my Oxygen level was 22 but because i suffer anxiety i wouldn't go strange place and dr's i wouldnt understand i have these attacks quite a few times this time was caused by cat litter at a friends house (4 doors away) i was changing it every other day for her as she can't lesson learnt i don't now didn't know it would affect me do now though soooooooooooo anyone with cats DON'T use the clay stuff . in the letter it didn't even mention my Asthma nor anything else just lies even down to a mobile phone hmmm i dont own one .

does anyone know what to do next ... any help would be grateful for thank you and sorry for long text .

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gypsy49 profile image
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24 Replies

Appeal against it.b

gypsy49 profile image
gypsy49 in reply to

yeah im going get my daughter to phone on monday and ask for a mandatory reconsideration because it's all lies what the woman put even when she was here she asked if i have physio for something i have which is a neurological thing i asked her if she knew what it was and she replied of course i have it too lol if she did she'd know it's not something you can have physio for unless of course they do physio on the brain now days hey who knows eh! lol here i was being honest and she comes up with a load of lies so so wrong,

Minushabens profile image

I am in the process of applying for PIP & thanks to another poster on here I was pointed in the direction of an organisation called Fightback4Justice. There are various levels of service, free, cheap & more expensive but they can offer you a huge database of documents and practical support to manage an appeal.

They are here if you're interested:


If you can't afford the subscription, there are other advocacy organisations around. Good luck!

gypsy49 profile image
gypsy49 in reply to Minushabens

I'll look into it but can't afford it if they charge i've no money , thank you for taking time out , Hope your PIP assessment goes well for you fingers cross eh!

gypsy49 profile image
gypsy49 in reply to Minushabens

that fight back for justice is it all done on phone or do they come to the house ?

Minushabens profile image
Minushabens in reply to gypsy49

I believe it's mostly done via e-mail & phone. I've not got deeply into it yet as I'm still at the stage of waiting for them to send the form, but they will support you to draft a strong appeal & have lots of examples on the subscription part of their website of well-written appeals & documents.

gypsy49 profile image
gypsy49 in reply to Minushabens

it's ok i've looked can't afford it at £4.99 a month i can't use phone im hearing impaired and wouldn't get out what i want to say via email i'll go CAB see if they can help , thank you for helping out

strongmouse profile image
strongmouse in reply to Minushabens

It is helpful to take someone who knows you to the assessment and undertsnads the PIP assessment and descritpors so that they can prompt you to go into more detail or be more specific when you are asked. My husband came and helped me a lot.

johnsmith profile image

You must read the requirements for PIP. They changed on 5th November 2018. See a benefits specialist. Request a copy of the examination they gave.

You are awarded points according to what the law says. You must challenge them on issues of law.

The requirements is that it is more than 50% of the time before you are awarded points.

You must take twice as long as a person who has no disability.

Law keeps changing and has interpretations which is not as in the Oxford English dictionary. This is why you need a benefits specialist.

gypsy49 profile image
gypsy49 in reply to johnsmith

Benefit Specialist ? not heard of before , It's the lies she put in what little report there was all in all what there was in the report are things she didn't even ask me yeah she asked where the bathroom was but didn't ask how i manage the stairs or how i got in and out the bath , yeah she asked where do i keep my meds i said cupboard but didn't ask how i manage them, she put in the report i use a kettle on the hob as i don't like electric kettles she's not seen my kettle graveyard lost count of kettles i've boiled dry because i've either forgotten them or i've nodded off i did tell her i have to stay in the kitchen when cooking because im scared of nodding off same as i nod off when eating the amount of times i've woken to a mouth full of food i have a sleep disorder called RLS she asked me if i had physio for it i was like what! asked her if she knew what RLS was she said yes as she has it hmm in which case she'd know it's a neurological disorder not a muscular one . I was born deaf Im hearing impaired but am reg deaf because im over 80% deaf don't hear words she came into my house babbling away i asked her to slow down aye she slowed down but started shouting which makes the face look angry and makes it harder to lip read , I do have problems breathing due to the asthma and since the really bad do with it ,it has gotten worst i've had pneumonia a few times which we all know can leave scaring , I have a bulge pressing on my spinal cord and double sciatica i was offered an op for it but i refuse because i suffer severe anxiety she told me i would only be in a day small nick and back to my normal self the next day lol something i was told different by my neuro dr who i actually see for my RLS she knew nothing and all the lies there's no way i could walk 9 miles to see friends . I'm guessing she assumed i had a mobile phone to get on line i use a laptop i can't use a mobile yet she put i use a mobile i don't own . sorry if i've babbled on if i knew a way to shorten what i want to say i would sorry...not slept for 3nights usual for me im lucky i sleep 6hours a week which in turn causes depression . I'll read up on the new rules i didn't know they've moved the goal post again and i'll find out what a Benefit specialist is thank you for the heads up :)

johnsmith profile image
johnsmith in reply to gypsy49

Have a look at


They may have information you need. I found them useful, but what they offer may vary from area to area.

gypsy49 profile image
gypsy49 in reply to johnsmith

nothing in small town near me :( sadly there's only CAB only open couple days a week half days , thank you for looking for me , i've been searching all day and tonight really need sleep not just rls kicking off but stressed up too and causing my asthma to act up too ggrgrrr

gypsy49 profile image
gypsy49 in reply to johnsmith

just read on the changes to the mental health ruling she didn't even ask me about journeys yet in the report she put i can make and plan routes for new journeys i've never be able to do that nor travel alone same in her report she put i use hospital cars for appointments i've never used them my step mother always takes me and comes in with me to see dr;s i didn't know about that new rule which changed in 2018.

strongmouse profile image
strongmouse in reply to johnsmith

yes I agree it is difficult to understand the wording, but by using the descriptors themselves it does help.

robert1957 profile image


please research magnesium deficiency and symptoms of magnesium deficiency also research benefits of vitamin d3 and k2 Mk 7

gypsy49 profile image
gypsy49 in reply to robert1957

thats all for RLS i've tried everything for it don't work for me :( i've had rls since i was about 8 yrs old it runs in the family its not secondary RLS . thank you for your time out :)

Trimley profile image

Contact your local Citizens Ad ice. They may be able to help.

gypsy49 profile image
gypsy49 in reply to Trimley

Daughter is doing that tomorrow for me :)

Spikedog66 profile image

Just keep appealing. Citizens advice will speak to you by phone and I think it's free. You don't say how old you are but age uk (or concern) as it used to be May help you too and I think they visit at home. I get ESA contribution based help but don't get any money it's to pay my NI for my pension even though I worked for almost 40 yrs but not full time for some of it. Every 6 month I get a medical it destroys you doesn't it, but plod on and upsetting as it is don't let them win this government takes from the wrong people especially the sick. 😊

gypsy49 profile image
gypsy49 in reply to Spikedog66

Hi My daughter phoning CAB tomorrow for me not a lot of phoning i can do I'm hearing impaired more deaf than hearing i got 2 points for that lol i get ESA support group , i suffer with a severe sleep disorder,Fibro , severe asthma , anxiety and have mental health due to lack of sleep roughly sleep 6 tp 9 hours a week and a back problem i've got sciatica both sides and a bulge pressing on my spinal cord ohhhh the assessor asked me why didn't i have the op to fix it 1 i live alone 2 My sleep disorder (RLS) would mean i'd go nuts if i can't move her reply was ohhhh it's only a tiny cut and you'll be back on your feet the next day lol , In the report she said i visit friends on foot and alone hahaha i don't drive and i live in the sticks friends live 7 miles away i'd have to walk on a very busy A road with no footpath lol don't think my asthma would take it . I'm at a total lost , she asked me why didn't i go for physio i asked what for she said for RLS i asked her if she knew what RLS she said yes of course i suffer with it myself hahaha there for she'd know it's a neurological disorder not a muscle complaint ggrrrrrr . Age concern can't help im just under the age they help im told I'm 55yrs old i did have someone from welbeing help me fill in the form and he said to let him know the results which i did thinking he'd help he emailed saying sorry to hear that and that he can't help.... not only am i losing my DLA which was for life but also will lose my disablement premium on my ESA ohhh the fun , I'm asking for a Mandatory Reconsideration hopefully i get on that if not the aye i'll appeal but that can take up to a year to go through.

Treecutter profile image

Some councils have a benefits advisor who can help when you fill in the original form. I got help to do mine (Argyll and Bute Council) and the advisor was brilliant. He pointed out which parts of my disability would be relevant to my claim and emphasised constantly that it is how the disability affects my day to day living which is the important part of the claim. It is a free service.

As I live in a rural area, the visit by the assesor was done at home and this made a huge difference as I would have been in a panic about getting ready to go out, getting a ferry to get to the assessment premises, finding a parking place then coping with finding the correct office and maybe stairs. The assessor was a qualified nurse who understood my condition well and was very understanding.

In Scotland, these assessments are now longer done by a private company. The Government here decided that it had to be done with a lot more compassion and understanding and it is now done by government employees with no hint of quotas or targets.

gypsy49 profile image
gypsy49 in reply to Treecutter

please read above my reply to spikedog it'll fill you in :) , i had home visit easy have home visit for PIP harder for ESA have to have dr letter . i couldn't make it to an assessment center like you i'd go into a panic . xx

Vitbee profile image

Try disability support project....they only as for a donation you can find them on line .....I had pips review last year and I can't knock the way I was treated very friendly lovely lady I was lucky as my money went up from low rate mobile to higher rate ....I also had dwp assessment which the disability support project helped me with ..they are lovely friendly and know what they are talking about x

Vitbee profile image

dspuk.org.uk/ Link to disability support project

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