I’ve been told I’m having surgery in a couple of weeks. Not worried about that, but worried about a general anaesthetic. It has stuck in my mind (from a few years ago) when I asked my nurse what stage 4 asthma meant. She said it would be hard to get people off a ventilator. As that’s what happens with a general anaesthetic, I’m very concerned. Has anyone on the site been through this with stage 4?
Anaesthetic and stage 4.: I’ve been... - Asthma Community ...
Anaesthetic and stage 4.

Your best bet is to talk to your surgical team and tell them your concerns. They’ll have had step 4 asthmatics before - it’s probably more along the lines of needing a neb in recovery etc. I’m assuming your asthma is otherwise controlled and your not frequently on steroids/in hospital etc. Either way let them know what drugs you’re taking and see what they say!
I know people with very severe asthma (step ‘6’ - steroids, maintenance nebs and biological treatment) whom have had general anaesthetic and been ok - I think they just adjusted which meds they gave them and did pre-op meds if that makes sense.
So yeah, in your pre-op appt talk to them or alternatively ring them when you can to discuss your worries!
Hope that helps x
Hi your doctors wouldn't be doing this unless they thought it was safe for you. Haven't they told you risks etc? If not you need to talk to them. x
Try not to worry too much I have copd and asthma and had a general and was fine. Discussed a spinal because of unstability of chest but they opted for general!! Was a nurse for nearly 40 years and last resort for ventilation??? big discussions I would think if you aren't suitable, they have to be 99% sure you would recover. Discuss all your worries with hospital staff and anaethetist who will see you before operation. Surgery is always a risk even for healthy people. All will be well best wishes for speedy recovery😁
I've got stage 3 and ad teeth out in April but they'd rather put me under as can get breathing tubes in just in case an easier to monitor if ur asleep.. I understand your fears but please let it be known ur in great hands.. Best of luck to u... I'll be thinking of u
I’ve no idea what ‘stage’ I’m at, but I had a general anaesthetic last year and it was fine!
Liz x
I had an emergency appendectomy a couple of years ago. They pumped me with hydrocortisone throughout as I take maintenance pred and had a neb before. When it came to extubation, I struggled so they just left me intubated for an extra couple of days and let the asthma drugs calm my lungs. They tried again and I was fine. It was all discussed with the anaesthetist before hand and that was despite it being emergency so just make sure you have time to discuss with them. Good luck!