Our daughter is currently on 6 steroids for 5 days and to say things are tough is an understatement. Her emotions are all over the place poor little thing and mood swings are terrible. My question is I know she has to have steroids to help her asthma but do they all have similar effects? Sorry if that’s a really dim question is been a long week???
Steroids : Our daughter is currently on... - Asthma Community ...

Steriods do funny things to your emotionals. It makes me hyper and couple with lack of sleep due to steriods makes me tired and irratable. Hope and pray your daughter is of them soon.
Thanks me too! Today has been the worst, she had a major meltdown and people just look at me like I am a bad parent and I feel like shouting at them to stop staring 😂 she’s a child wanting to be out playing instead she’s coping with horrible side effects and having problems breathing! Oh the joys!!!
Yes ... I’m afraid thats just one of the many side affects associated with prednisone. But it does settle down over time ... I’ve been on 25mg 5 tabs , daily as a maintenance for 4 years to say I’m a man possessed some days Is an understated... in my case I simply cannot function without them .... a nessasary evil I call them ....
Hope they work ... god luck
Yeah steroids do horrible things to you (but help you breathe)... someone on this group once described them as "the devil's tic tacs"... I quite liked that
I don’t tolerate prednisolone very well either and doctor put me on alternative steroid called dexamethasone. If you google it lots of info about children with asthma having it. It works very well for me without the nasty side effects. Might be worth looking into.
Definitely going to look into this thanks, she is really struggling bless her. I know all steroids will have similar effect but wondered if some more so than others
Hi I was given them before I got my Inhalers to try and open up my air ways, they never effected me in any way, maybe some people are, different people and children act differently to medicines. Being a child though wouldn't of thought giving her 6 steroids a day was a bit much. Hope your daughter's feeling better soon x
Steroid psychosis is well known, and I am unrecognisable on them, but they help me breath again!
Hi, very sorry to hear that your daughter's asthma is making her feel so poorly.
I am unable to tolerate pred and now take hydrocortisone to manage bad flare ups. This does have some side effects but not nearly so bad as pred. Also, a 5 day course is usually sufficient.
This was not prescribed by the gp, but by the cons; I was told that it is closer to the body's naturally produced steroids and so it was less likely to produce really horrid side effects like pred can do.
Hope your daughter feel better soon.
Thanks for all the replies, been a rough few days and things not much better after steroids. Our little girl will be having an operation soon and I think the anxiety of that is making her asthma really bad 😭