Had a blood test because of the heaviness and my making my breathing bad and to check the to make sure not to much pressure on heart and think I could have a blood clot and got swollen painful right leg , gave me another dose of th blood thinning drug and said about a scan in the morning so more fun back killing so tramadol now going try sleep had a nebuliser so that will help s well night all
Hi: Had a blood test because of the... - Asthma Community ...

Gosh you have gone through so much! The blood thinning medication should disperse the blood clot if you have one. Hope you slept well and keep us up to date of the results. Take care xxxx
Oh you poor thing, I do hope you don’t have a blood clot because I know from experience that they’re very painful.
Take care
Hi no it’s not on my lung there giving me. Scan on my leg tomorrow calf as leg swollen and hurts they keep measuring it to c if it’s got any bigger bad afternoon since I have come back from ct scan chest has been bad been on nebs they been watching me x
I hope they sort out your leg and lungs.
Take care Tracey
Please Lord protect and bless Tracey and help her medical team to find the best treatment plan for her recovery.
I hope you feel better today. Thinking of you. Hugs.
Keep strong girl. Sending hugs
Having bad evening went to the bathroom at 6 and had to call the nurse to get a chair to get me back started coughing and then couldn’t breath they don’t know y I’m getting the heaviness on my chest still doc coming back on the morning. And the big docs coming at 2pm there talking to to the physics to come and c me as well but I’m not having good one-still not right now had each that was fine as my heart rate went up to 140 so keeping a eye on it and informed the doc keep doing my obs hope everyone else ok take care x