Hello, does anyone here have a sulfite sensitivity which affects your asthma? I have got a chronic flare up at the moment which isn’t improving with current inhalers, but I stumbled upon a link yesturday that may make sense. I do drink red wine and without fail mainly believe it not, for health purposes, have two glasses of red wine a day. I have a petit build and many intolerances and food sensitivities, including oxalates and histamine. I was diagnosed with asthma this time last year and since then it progressed rapidly. I’m beginning to think it’s due to chemical overloads. I’d really like to get on top of it and will be cutting out all alcohol for the next month to see if I improve. Any advice would be gratefully received.
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Sulfites and asthma

Hi Kellyanne , I'm allergic to sulphites and they make my asthma worse ,especially wine , I gave that up a few years ago , but you can get sulphite free wine from Sainsbury's , also a lot of meat contains sulphites such as sausages , I'm violently sick if I eat those . Also plug in air fresher make my asthma bad , and quite a few household cleaners contain a type if sulphites which give me asthma attacks , best to stay away from them and see if you notice a difference .
Good luck
Hey thank you for your reply, I’ve cut out sulphites for 3 days now and my symptoms are already lifting. I know it’s going to be a battle to keep on top of as I’m also intolerant to many, many foods the list keeps getting longer, the tip re- sulphite free wine sold at Sainsbury’s is very helpful. I have spoke to the asthma nurse today and I am now being tested for mast cell disorder, it could be another link as to why my asthma isn’t responding very well to the new high dosage inhalers, and why I am affected by histamine, sulphites and cold weather. Re sausages I can’t eat pork either but any kind it makes me violently sick too!
Hi - I have sulfite sensitivity, it was tricky to get on top of as sulfites are in so many things. I rarely eat out, eat mainly food cooked from scratch as processed food is so full of them. ( which can be a pest when I’m in a hurry). Sulfites are hidden away in lots of dried fruit, some vegetables.... the list goes on and on. Allergy uk has info I found really helpful.
Cleaning products are the worst. I avoid aggressive products in my house but it makes visiting very tricky.
I have multiple allergies and carry epipens for peanut and nut allergy. I take daily fexofenadine for allergies and montelukast. I have severe asthma.
The helpline at asthma uk is always very good and I also speak to my asthma nurse if I go downhill fast.
Hope you feel better soon xxx
Thank you for your response, my symptoms are beginning to lift today after a few days sulphite free as much as I can be! Re - chemicals I struggle with some detangling sprays I use on my children’s hair and anti bac sprays and deodorants, not sure if they contain sulphites I will check. I have not used the asthma helpline before I will remember to call them if I have any concerns and can’t get an appointment with the asthma nurse, thank you
I am the same, with the addition of dust, dust mites, all animals, fragrances, plug-in fresheners, laundry products, ...
Allergies are a pest, I got a blood test when I first saw the consultant came back allergic to grass and tree pollen, pets, dust, mound. Also know I’m sensitive to nickel and chlorine, it is so frustrating sometimes ( although today with all the wind it is worse than usual) . I have never had skin prick testing because my skin is already too covered in rash to get clear results.
At home I use air purifiers and that does help a lot.
Hope you are doing ok, this is my worst season for asthma triggers. Take care xxx
Yes, I agree, allergies are pests. My dr retired & seeing a new dr with yet another set of allergy testing. The computer is spitting out the results, & dr says, oh! I see ...that ....you are allergic to ... a few...oh, everything..... somehow expecting a reply, I’m thinking...(yeah..??.). Lol. So far this has been my best Spring in 7-10 years, but it’s been cool, so Spring is delayed, somewhat... it’s the asthma that’s the puzzle... ( diagnosed 1 1/4 years ago) I’m feeling improved, & yet have developed horrible dark eye circles; and absolutely no energy. Is the exhaustion just part of asthma?
The tiredness could very well be the asthma, i do get very tired easily, but if it is new tiredness or feels different it is always worth getting checked out. I have the allergic shiners too and no clue how to get rid of them. Eye gel in the fridge makes them feel less itchy but they don’t go away.
I hope new doctor helps you get on top of your symptoms as much as possible and you feel better soon xxx
Yes - red wine, some beers and household cleaners and some air fresheners bring on a wheeze
Sulphites are also bad for people with painful bladder syndrome too (thats me) . Taking sulphites out your diet is no process meat, sausages and smoked fish but I didn't know about the cleaning products. Thanks for the information will help with treating my IC.
I think I might be sensitive to sulphites - certainly I always seemed to have an attack after drinking wine! But not with other alcohol. And my day to day control has been pretty rubbish, which suggests to me there may be some ongoing trigger I’m being exposed to.
I didn’t have time at my last consultant review to discuss it but am trying to cut them out in the meantime.
One thing I was really surprised to find them in is fruit squash - nearly every brand has them in! Cordials often don’t, but unfortunately are FULL of sugar. I think vimto and ribena are the only brands of normal fruit squash I’ve found that don’t have them in.
It just makes shopping take a bit longer having to check for them, but at least they have to be put in bold as an allergen on ingredient lists which does make it a bit easier to spot!
Thank you for your reply, a few days trying to cut out sulphites has definitely lifted the symptoms a little bit. It is good that they need to put it on food labels and I shall now be keeping them out of my shopping basket. The asthma nurse sent me of for several blood tests after my appointment this morning as she suspects that my asthma which isn’t being controlled by the high dosage inhalers and all my intolerances which there are many, the list keeps getting longer may mean I have mast cell disorder.