Well, here we go again and again..... - Asthma Community ...

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Well, here we go again and again.....

Purplejane profile image
6 Replies

Just come back from OOH doc and cannot believe I have another chest infection, although I knew already really, don't we all! This will make the third since the begining of November butI have never really got rid of it I don't think. Also on pred again for the third time. Hate taking it but peak flow was low so had no choice really.

I have had a CT scan just waiting for the results and also have breathing tests in April after which I should see the consultant again.

How do others cope with the continual round of antibiotics and steroids? My body has really taken a battering this winter and I have never been so ill. I just want to know when it is all going to end, its been nearly 6 months now and I still see no light at the end of the tunnel.

Christmas was spoiled by my being ill and so has Easter - it sucks as they say.

Sorry, moan over and a very happy easter to eveybody.

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6 Replies
Yatzy profile image

Happy Easter! So sorry you’re on a run of prednisone and antibiotics.. I get them too but three is my maximum on the run. It happened last autumn, and the autumn before. I always take my pred and antib’s at the first sign of trouble now so not quite such a difficult time. It’s usually a virus or something that starts me off, but always ends with needing the rescue pack. For some reason, it has cleared after Christmas twice....I think maybe I’m so exhausted by then that I actually rest, rest, rest. It seems to be super important with chest infections and asthma flares, but not always possible.

Once I’ve stopped the vicious circle, I’m very careful to avoid my triggers, which are any perfumed household products, Ibuprofen, burning logs etc etc. I wear a scarfie when outside. I also bought an air purifier, mainly for the bedroom, and that seems to help. I put it on for two hours every bedtime. I always sleep on four pillows at various angles, never less....if I do, the wheezing starts all over again.

I’m sure you’re doing similar things but just thought I’d mention my particular triggers. Nothing worse than repeated prednisolone and asthma attacks. Good luck and keep resting till you’re well again.

Purplejane profile image
Purplejane in reply to Yatzy

Thank you for your reply. I suppose that I have just never had much trouble with my asthma before. I always saw it as just a minor inconvievience having to take the meds everyday and had very few actual symptoms. This winter has been a massive learning curve even to the extent that my GP's have admitted defeat and refered me to the resp. consultant.

I realise that what I have been experiencing this winter, from reading this forum, is actually, sadly 'normal' for quite a number of people.

I had to take 10 weeks off work with the last infection because it just went on and on but am determined that this time I won't have to do that.

I am lucky in the fact I only work one day a week so can rest if I need to. I tend to go a little manic on pred and rush around but I will not do that this time. I will make myself rest as I think you are right thats what our lungs need. I really don't know my triggers apart from viral infections. It used to be dust and cats but I seemed to loose that. It would be interesting to know if there are now triggers that I am unaware of which might be making things worse.

Yatzy profile image
Yatzy in reply to Purplejane

When my asthma started in my late thirties/early forties, like you, it was easy to control. Gradually it got quite quickly worse and I tried harder to identify my triggers. Household dust I'm reasonably ok with unless builds up enormously. Cars and dogs I'm ok with too. Since my asthma started, I've not been able to take ibuprofen without worsening my asthma, but it usually recovered. I got to a stage when I was not taking ibuprofen but felt as though I was, and my asthma was playing up, particularly when away from home and I'd begun to stay over in hotels quite a lot. I researched the ingredients of ibuprofen and found salicylates main ingredient. This is in salbutamol too (ventolin) I discussed with my GP an alternative, so now take Bricanyl, and suddenly I had acreliever that actually worked for four hours or more. My research led me to understanding that salicylates are in foods and in the perfume of household cleaning products. As my awareness developed, I was able to identify my asthma triggers as they happened....except of course the virus led triggers. It's a very long story, and not one ever suggested to me by medics, but I now know it works for me. Perfumes are a common trigger so different methods/products need to be found. I won't go on but perhaps that gives you a flavour of my particular triggers. I hate taking prednisone but accept my doctors advise that it needs to be taken soon to avoid inflamed lungs becoming scarred, which is a much more difficult problem. I take a Montelukast tablet each day, along with my inhalers, Seretide 250 and Bricanyl which helps with my sensitivity to Salicylates.

Hope you identify any asthma triggers you have soon to keep your asthma under better control. Good luck! 💙❤️

k_feat profile image

Hello. I feel your frustrations, I really do. My asthma has always been mild but this winter it knocked me for six. Long story short: chest infection, sinus infection, bronchitis, cough that won’t go away, another chest infection, potential allergy to my dog, referral to a respiratory consultant and allergy consultant, countless Doctor and Asthma Nurse appointments and still none the wiser as to what’s going on in my lungs! I’m on Symbicort, Ventolin, Montelukast, antihistamines and just finished a short dose of pred. Phew! And a post nasal drip that just won’t go away. I have my own theories of silent reflux/LPR but that’s another conversation with my Doctor!

Anyway, I just wanted to reply to let you know you’re not alone. According to one Nurse, it’s been one of the worst years on record for respiratory issues which I do take a little comfort in.

Keep smiling and fingers crossed Spring’s arrival will turn things around for us :)

Purplejane profile image
Purplejane in reply to k_feat

Thank you. Although I would not wish this on anybody it is nice to know that I am not alone. Your story is my story. I seemed to have spent more time at the doctors this winter than at home!

I have post nasal drip which the consultant is treating with nasonex, but I don't see much improvement, still blocked up on one side, so not too sure on that one. Also treating me for reflux but as I had few symptoms I think it may be silent if its' there at all.

I am on Symbicort and ventolin, having tried just about every med out there. I was on Seretide for many years which always worked but the cons. wanted me to try Fostair so I switched. All I can say is I tried it for a month and had a chest infection in that time, so the GP switched me to Symbicort. I am on the highest dose so no where to go really and like you have no idea what is going on in my lungs!

This time it's a viral infection as my husband has it as well, so I hope the antibiotics help in some way at least as a preventative.

Yes, indeed roll on spring. I am heartly sick (quite literally!) of this winter and just hope that the warmer weather improves things for us all.

Purplejane profile image


I went to own GP yesterday as suggested by out of hours doc. Has given me 2 more days of pred which takes it up to 7 and changed the antibiotic to doxycycline, the 'domestos' of the antibiotic world as I was still coughing up greeny/yellow gunk and I am to see her again on Friday if things are not resolved.

I suspect I shall be on a longer dose of pred this time as I am still wheezing and tightchested and my peak flow is only steadily rising but that maybe due to the infection who knows?

Has anybody stopped oral steriod treatment while still wheezing? My practice hates prescribing pred (quite rightly,I suppose) and I wonder if she will give me more on Friday. I do not want a relapse if I am improving but not 100%.

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