A recent Episode of ‘Trust Me I’m a Doctor’ revealed that Iodine is something many folk are deficient in.
It mention some of the consequences of deficiency but, to my recollection, did not touch on Iodine’s importance to the immune system. (A significant area of interest for Asthmatics).
Major dietary sources are Milk (two cups a day, apparently) and White Fish.
Numerous other dietary sources can be found on the below web link (note, probably best / safest to stick to natural dietary Iodine and avoid Iodine Supplements unless sanctioned by a trusted and qualified adviser). The below quotation from the same Site, references the Immune System Benefits.
Another Site (WebMD) also very briefly mentions Iodine has antibacteria and antifungal qualities, though I don’t know if those particular benefits occur at normal - safe - dietary concentrations, or only at higher (possibly ‘risky’) levels.
Boosts Immune System
‘’...but it has other functions, including being a major booster for the immune system. It is a scavenger of free hydroxyl radicals, and like vitamin C, it also stimulates and increases the activity of antioxidants throughout the body to provide a strong defensive measure against various diseases, including heart diseases and cancer...’’
I know that Milk is a ‘produce’ some folk are convinced is dodgy for asthmatics (I’m not one of those that holds that view).
Thanks in advance for any comments / thoughts and, as ever, apologies if I don’t manage to respond, though I generally manage to read all responses.