I have chostochrinditis . I can’t take ibuprofen because it affects my breathing, if co-codamol isn’t easing pain. What else can I take to ease my pain.
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Pain relief and asthma

Hi I have costochondritus following pneumonia which lead to a hospital admission nearly 2 years ago . Im the same can’t take anti inflammatory meds they upset my stomach. But I have found a hot water bottle does help . I have been reading about muscle relaxers or nerve blockers working so I might ask my doctor about them . If you find anything let me know , this is awful. The pains in my back and ribs are terrible. Best of luck xx
It’s the pain in chest, back and ribs, I’m frightened to take a breath. I feel like I’ve been beaten up. It’s horrible. Xx
Yes it’s truly awful. It feels like u can’t breathe, I can only do so much in the house , and lifting / carrying anything remotely heavy is definitely a no no . My doctor gave me Co-codamol and nothing else . But it’s so scary I have ended up with severe anxiety now . So trying Kalms , I have heard they can help calm everything down. Xx
It’s the pain. It feels like it’s shifting all over my chest and round to back.
Yes the pain in my back is terrible. I have been to doctors so many times because of the pain . But I’m going to as him about muscle relaxers or nerve medication. It gets me down because every day I’m in some sort of pain . Some days are better than others but have not been pain free since I was diagnosed. The pain between my shoulder blades gets bad , burning pain , and my ribs pain can get so bad only thing I can do is sit and rest with hot water bottles . I hope you find something to help you . Xx
So do I. I don’t want to cough either. I am also ask about cortisone injections. Xx
Yes I have read about people who have had relief with them but heard they can hurt like hell . Thing is I don’t want to be taking lots of different tablets all the time . I take Symbicort 200 , Montelukast and also omerprozole . And prednisone when I need it . Don’t really want any more . But want to be pain free . Xx
I have been looking into an anti inflammation diet . As that can help . Worth a go . Xx
I’ll need to look at something like that. My nurse said I’ve more than likely picked up a virus in October. And that’s what’s caused it.
Yes it could be , I have had a few viruses, not needing antibiotics though, but when you cough it makes it worse. I also have post nasal drip and that causes me to cough . So I can’t win . But look at going gluten free (expensive) but a lot of people say the wheat causes inflammation and cutting that out helps with the pain . Also look at turmeric, I have just been looking into trying that . And if you haven’t already get your vitamin D levels checked . Low vitamin D causes muscle and bone pain . Can help ease your symptoms. Mine was low so taking vitamin D tablets now . Xx
Do you find it affecting your sleep. I had 2hrs on Saturday night. Xx
Yes I’m up and down with sleep . And can’t find a good position to lay in without pain . And I feel wiped out all the time . Xx
I just want to burst out crying. At first when I was diagnosed, I could deal with it. Don’t get me wrong, before I was diagnosed. I thought I was having a heart attack. Xx
Yes I feel like that all the time , even cried 2week ago in doctors office lol . But that’s exactly what I was rushed to hospital for , thought it was heart attack. They told me a few weeks and it will be gone . Hmmm nearly 2 years on and it’s just as bad . Xx
It came back with vengeance in last week. I’m wondering if it because I’ve been ill for quite a few weeks. Xx
I’m here if you need to talk , it’s awful and scary . Xx
Although the pain is bad. It’s scarier if your breathing goes aswell. Xx
That’s true , I have also found out that worry and anxiety make it so much worse. Viscous circle . Xx
It’s just a viscous circle. I got told it would take 4-6 weeks to go away, now I am being told it might never go away.
Oh god I hope that’s not true . Xx
A wee update. I got dihydrocodeine and Baclofen, one is a pain killer the latter is a muscle relaxant. I have been having a lot of chest and back pain over the weekend, haven’t really slept much. So I am hoping this is going to help. Don;t know if I can take anymore of this. I originally took a week of work in November, thinking i just was unwell. And I am still off of work.
Let’s hope they work for you , keep me updated , if they work I will go talk to my doctor about them . Fingers crossed for you . Xx
I will let you know. The big test is if I get a pain-free sleep tonight. And a full nights sleep at that. Xx
I really hope you do . Yes please let me know . Xx
Well. That’s me just awake. Didn’t wake during the night & got just under 9 hrs sleep. First decent sleep in weeks. Xx
Was given advice a few weeks ago to get serrapeptase 80,000iu for pain as constantly had a hot water bottle strapped to my chest. Although pain still there it has eased somewhat so maybe worth a go for you. Paid £17 from Holland and barret but you can get it online cheaper. I have had no side effects and take 1 daily so it will last 3 months but you can take up 2 three. Hope this helps 😆
The Baclofen is about a month, dihydrocodeine is about 2 weeks. Xx
Keep me updated, I hope it works for you and once finished you don’t need any more medication. I will be going to my doctor and asking about these meds . Xx
I will. Fingers crossed these sort things out. X
I hope they do too . I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you . Xx
How long have you had chostochrinditis. Xx
I will speak to my GP . I have had it nearly 18 months . Mine was through having pneumonia. I coughed continually for 3-4 months in the end I was rushed into hospital as I could not breathe . Very scary stuff . Then severe chest pains sent me to A&E and was told it was costochondritus. Xx
I was told I’ve more than likely picked up a viral infection, breathlessness never started til a couple weeks later. Xx
It’s truly awful, and a crippling condition, I have read about people suffering with it for years 9+ and more . I hope these work for you and you can get rid of it for good . I shall be making an appointment to speak to my doctor it . Xx
If they do work. But I am in pain after finishing them, I don’t know what I am going to do, I am not one for being on medication long term, apart from inhalers. Xx
No I am exactly the same , hate medication. Even inhalers . But we do need them unfortunately. Let me know in a few days how your getting on . Xx
I will let you know. It’s funny both tablets am on, they tell you not to take them if you are asthmatic. Xx
OMG I hope it doesn't cause problems with your asthma. Xx
So far they have been ok. So I am hoping that means that I will finally be on the road to recovery. Xx
Oh I do hope so , it gives me hope then that I can get some relief and finally feel normal again . Xx
That’s what I like about these forums, we can all help each other and learn new things. Xx
That is so true , and you dont feel so alone . Its good to talk 😊xx
Yes. It’s funny. The only way I found out I had asthma was through chance. I was propanalol beta blockers for heart palpitations years ago. And when I took them, after a while I couldn’t breath. Dr told me it was all in my head. I should just go with it, I was on them for 4 months. I was littrally climbing the walls, because I felt like somebody was strangling me. That’s how I’ve learned what medication my body will accept, and which ones it won’t. Xx
Oh god that sounds awful . I hope now you are on the road to recovery. A new year and a new you lol xx
Yes, it was, I suppose what I am trying to say, is everytime i get something of the dr’s I question it. If I am taking something, I want to know, what something is happening to me. That way if it does. I don’t panic. Plus I can tell someone that it is the reason that I am feeling like that. For example. If I were to have difficulty breathing. I could tell them what I am taking. And that This might be reason as to why i am having this reaction. I also use the emergency contacts function in my Iphone. So if I take ill. I can show that to someone, it has all my medical information, and what medicine I am on. Also it has emergency contacts in it, and what to do if I am having an asthma attack.
That is a really good idea . And definitely a must for anyone on constant medication. And I totally agree with you about doctors, they wouldn't listen to me half the time just kept giving me different antibiotics, that resulted in me being rushed into hospital and in resuss hardly breathing . I had pneumonia and the doctors never picked up on it . I was so scared , it has left me with severe anxiety too . So maybe the muscle relaxers would help me a lot . Xx
I went to drs on call one night. Couldn’t breath. Never gave me anything to help. Went to own gp less than 12hrs later. And got told I had a bad chest infection. Xx
Oh god thats bad . I go to my local hospital to the chest clinic , do the normal breathing tests and every 6months have ct scans . I went to my gp just before Christmas and wanted to know my scan results and blood test results, he clicked on the page from the hospital and there was a blank page that had one sentence. .. This patint has deceased . Great so according to the hospital I'm dead . So still no results . Xx
It still worry’s me at times how I can have a flair up like I’ve been having. But having no really answers as to what is causing it. Xx
I have quite a lot of pain every now and then. Once a week or so that paracetamol won’t touch. The only other one I can take before morphine is tramadol so I have that. Does the trick normally. I am allergic to codine and ibuprofen. X
I’m going to ask about pain relief injections. Do know if costo causing it, but I’m getting pain in chest and back. Xx
Hi Scoobs87 how you feeling now with your Costochondritus ? Are you feeling any better ? Xx
Oh no I’m sorry to hear that . Does the dr think it’s the tablets that causing the wheeze and breathlessness? Xx
I’ve had the breathlessness before the tablets, but they do say don’t take if asthmatic. I just want it all back to normal. I’m so fed up now. Never been off work this long. Xx
I know how you feel , it is truly awful. I lost my job before I got sick with pneumonia and I can’t even think about finding another job yet . So much pain it just get you down . I hope they can sort you out . I had my fingers crossed that it would work for you . Xx
Oh that’s no good , they must be something else they can give you or change something. Xx
I’m going to ask them. See they still use the outdated peak flow & you can’t really go by that now I have been told.
Hi Scoobs87, sorry I know that this is an old post that I’m replying to, but I have only recently joined. How is your costochondritis? I have it too and it sucks, prevents me from wearing underwire bras and even non-wired ones are not comfortable. Try Methylsulfonylmethane powder short form is MSM (organic sulfur modern soil is lacking this and therefore our fruits and vegetables too are lacking) It works wonders. You must dissolve it in boiling non-chlorinated water. Use a quarter of a tsp. Add a quarter cup of the boiling water to dissolve it and then add cooler water (also non chlorinated) to make the temperature bearable to drink. Take on an empty stomach every morning an hour before food or other meds. I don’t know it’s interactions with other meds. I noticed a huge difference in pain reduction just after a few days. I sometimes wonder if the costo brought on the asthma. As I was never an asthmatic before and am now. Perhaps the costo encourages dysfunctional breathing habits. Ginger tea (use fresh, peeled, grated ginger and strain after boiling) is also a great anti inflammatory and pain reliever. I hope that helps, I know how hard it can be.