Recently started using brown inhaler after going to the doctors with a tight chest I suffer from stress and anxiety to I now use my brown inhaler twice morning and night but since I’ve been using it when I go outside now my chest is 99% worse didn’t feel my chest was tight before I went on the brown inhaler I use my blue inhaler to try a help this but it doesn’t help I don’t know if it’s my asthma or stress and anxiety 😢
Brown inhaler : Recently started using... - Asthma Community ...
Brown inhaler

Have you tried using your blue inhaler before stepping outside into the cold?
Are you taking your inhalers correctly? Do you use a spacer? And do you wait 30 seconds before taking your second brown inhaler dose? I was told you're supposed to or you'll only get the propellant & not the medication. P
Amy 246
If you taking your in halers correctly you should be fine,
Brown one 2 puffs in morning with 30 seconds between each one,
And same at night.
I use the blue one when my chest feels tight or start coughing, I was told
to leave a minute between puffs some say 30 seconds.
I also suffer from stress and anxiety,at times maybe the Dr can give you something for it.
Dee x
Taking new drugs can cause worry for all of us, & if you have pre-existing stress issues, that will make it worse. It's extremely unlikely (although not 100% impossible) that the inhalers are causing the worsening symptoms, so I would follow the advice of the others and take it a minute or two before you leave the house, and have faith that it is protecting you.
Also, keep in mind that for many asthmatics, regardless of their medication, cold and damp weather can be very problematic and cause symptoms.
First of all, do you actually have asthma, or have you been given inhalers just because you have tight chest symptoms? I have had tight chest symptoms for years caused by stress, and no amount of asthma treatment is going to help that. However, I do now have late-onset asthma and have found that aerosol inhalers make it worse; dry powder inhalers seem to improve my peak flow, but do little for the mucous. You might try asking your GP to send you to a specialist to sort out any stress problems from the asthma and check whether an alternative brown inhaler might be beneficial.
I'm in the states so I don't know what the brown inhaler refers to? BTW, it's sure great participating with all of you across the pond! We don't have asthma nurses, I just work with my PCP and I have had cough variant asthma for 20 years, since I was 50. It's pretty well controlled but my triggers seem to be cold air and stress. Weird, eh? I'm on Symbicort & Albuterol & Singular. My avitar is the logo for my University of Illinois where I graduated back in the middle ages. Sorry for my rambling.
Brown inhale is to prevent further attacks
If it does not work (and it can happen in cold damp weather )
either you have a cold/ infection ( virus or bacterial)
Your existing brown inhaler dosage is insufficient to control your existing asthma
It may need more time or more doasage
Let you doc decide
The blue should give relief
You should see an small increase in your peak flow meter after 2-4 puffs of your blue inhaler
Every asthmatics needs a scales up plan
with the objective to be symptom free most
of the time
Your doctor or asthmatic nurse will
agree same with you