Can acidity cause chest pain, shortness of breath,chest tightness. I have recently diagnosed with 2 duodenal ulcers.Those symptoms come and go my asthma attack due to ulcer.If yes how to treat it? I have been using PPI's for ulcer but didn't take any treatment for asthma. should I consult doctor and use both acidity and asthma medicine?
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Asthma attack and chest pain due to duodenal ulcer
The short answer is yes. You need to talk to your doctor, and make sure you get checked for H.Pylori, bacteria, which can cause stomach ulcers. Acid reflux, can cause breathing problems, PPI's work really well, and for some people they are a long term solution. But also changing your diet can have a major effect. Certain foods can really cause bad acid problems, and they are not always obvious ones. Sometimes you just need to get everything calmed down, then you can add foods back in. There are tons of posts about this on the Asthma UK board. And you can find a mass of information on the web. A quick change you can make is propping the head of your bed up with books. About 4 inches. This makes it harder for acid to travel up from your stomach and end up in your lungs.
I do hope things improve soon.
Yes talk to the doctor. Acid reflux can make asthma worse.
I had a duodenal ulcer some years ago. Was tested for helicobacter which was negative but then discovered I had several food allergies as well as GORD (Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease). I have asthma as well and it can get worse if the GORD is not controlled. So I take medication for asthma and the reflux as needed. Certain foods aggravate the acid reflux. Managing it well is key and as risabel has said there is a lot of information available.
You really need to go to the GP for answers. I think they are two separate issues, but I am not a medic. I do know that both your ulcer and your asthma can be worsened by stress, so find out the truth of it all and act accordingly.