Hello all
After numerous visits to the GP with a chronic cough (started Feb 2016) went away and then started again Jan 2017 and has now persisted - been tested for asthma, PND, allergies but unfortunately I am not responding to any treatment - A chest xray was done 2016 and Mar 2017 which was both clear - my spirometery test and reversibility was normal too and my Peak flow reading was 400 yesterday (same before I started the brown preventer inhaler).
The GP is baffled as to what is causing this cough - seems to be more throat irritation and night time cough than anything else, most days I feel choked up just in my upper voicebox area.
GP has referred me to a Respiratory Specialist so basically just wondering what some of you have experienced going to this type of respiratory clinic?
I suffer quite badly with health anxiety and I am quite petrified at the prospect of someone looking deep into my lungs and finding something very sinister.
I am 36 female, ex smoker (leading up to 7 months given up), fairly overweight & tend to find that I am quite breathless when walking up stairs or anything with an incline, so I am putting all this together and coming up with the C word.
Anyone offer some advice on what to expect at the clinic to calm my nervous it would be appreciated.