Struggling.....: Hi all My GP has put... - Asthma Community ...

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Kayanne1980 profile image
10 Replies

Hi all

My GP has put me on a blue inhaler and now a brown preventer inhaler for the next 6 weeks.

To cut a long story short I have been coughing during the night (waking my self up) with a dry cough, I have a constant (underline constant) blocked wheezing sound that comes from my voicebox are and my whole throat siezes and feels constantly tight. I struggle to take deep breathes to fill my lungs as when I do my throat gives me a sore uncomfortable feeling (like menthol burn) and that is what also triggers a tickle in my throat.

I stopped smoking 6 months ago, chest xray is clear in March, bloods are normal & spirometery with reversibility test was normal. My GP seems to think it still could be a mild form of asthma. I have the same symptoms every single day now for the last 7 months, the feeling of breathing through a straw of paperbag every day is not great!

I went to an ENT specialist back in February 2016 as I had a tight lump feeling in my throat (with cough too) and he diagnosed Globus, clear chest xray then also. My GP has tried PPI's for reflux also but the problem is persisting.

My peak flower reading about 4 days ago was 400

Any help or any similar issues to me that anyone can guide me as to what to do or ask for next as this is literally driving me insane!

Thanks all

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Kayanne1980 profile image
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10 Replies
NannyP-UK profile image

Hi Kayanne, sounds very similar to me and many others on this forum. Is it possible you may have silent reflux? I was already on proton pump inhibitors so GP didn't think reflux was the problem, he did however increase my dose to twice daily this made a huge difference. Respiratory consultant gave me the brown inhaler and my throat wheeze has practically gone. Hope you get sorted soon take care.

Kayanne1980 profile image
Kayanne1980 in reply to NannyP-UK


Thanks for the response

Was prescribed 60mg (high dose) lansoprazole 5 weeks ago and taken them religiously but the problem still persists so i doubt its reflux and the dr said the same. The new brown preventer I believe takes up to 2 weeks to work so im praying i get some relief somehow from something. I always am feeling its something sinister now as nothing is working on me.

PMRPete profile image

A useful leaflet:-

Kayanne1980 profile image

Thank you.

NannyP-UK profile image

Another possibility others have reported here is vocal cord dysfunction, may be worth looking at that on this site. Sleeping with your head raised also worth trying. It took a long time for medication etc to work for me. Try and stay positive I know it's not easy when you are struggling to find a diagnosis.

Kayanne1980 profile image
Kayanne1980 in reply to NannyP-UK

Thank you. Im starting to think its lung tumor or cancer now!

Hi I can't add to the advice given except on practilities. Dust mites are a very common trigger so ensure you wash your bedding and night clothes in at least 60% in order to kill them. Also pillows are devils for harbouring them so either wash them regularly or buy new ones every 6 months or so. Many people also vacuum their matress as well or have protectors on them.

I always take my reliever just before bedtime whether I have any symptoms or not and it seems to help. Try an extra pillow as well and see if this helps.

Oh if you can't stop coughing sit up as it's easier to expel the mucus than lying down. Take some water and your inhaler to bed with you and use them if you need to.

Kayanne1980 profile image

Thank you for the advice. I woke abruptly at 3am this morning with acid travelling to my voicebox, its a choking experience, its happened a handful of times with me. Thing is I used to take reflux meds and still coughed but didnt feel the acid, no i feel the acid and still cough, its beyond me!

selyab profile image
selyab in reply to Kayanne1980

I have asthma and take two inhalers and two sets of tablets daily and I suffered with acid reflux but a 3 month course of fixonase/flixonase sorted acid reflux out I would give the steroid inhaler time to work

Kayanne1980 profile image

Hi all

So I have read alot about VCD today - and it sounds just like me! I struggle with inhaling more than exhaling - the voicebox area is tight and causes this blocking feeling, my voice goes all squeaking at times & my symptoms are all the time with me, I have noticed that if I breathe really slowly that wheezy sounds goes slightly, also clearing my throat all the time and the top part of my chest feels tight.... and the coughing during the night when I am sleep is not letting up either, I am sorry I sound all pathetic but I am just seeking any advice that I can arm myself with when I see the Dr again, I had a camera down my nose and voice box in Feb 2016 and the result was normal HOWEVER they were not looking for VCD and apparently there is techniques ENT need to perform to test for it, SO I am going back to the Dr as the asthma preventer that I have been using for nearly a week is making no difference what so ever! I just need a cure....this tight inhaling sharp horrible feeling is driving me mad all day, every day

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