My sons school have asked for September that his inhaler and spacer are kept in some sort of case at school and I'm at a total loss about what we need.
My sons school have asked for September that his inhaler and spacer are kept in some sort of case at school and I'm at a total loss about what we need.
A pencil case?
I put mine in a cheap wash bag.
I used to carry mine in a pencil case or a small wash/make up bag. Take it with you to smiths (or any pencil case shop) find a pattern he likes and make sure it'll all fit in. Then it's 'cool' for him and different from anyone else's cases in school office.
I send my sons in a pencil case that he chose
Great suggestions. ATM it's in a ziploc bag lol! Been looking for pencil case this morning but will definitely take him to choose something