Hi I have had asthma all my life currently over quite a few months its worsened dramatically. I am 54 and never been this pad , breathless walking upstairs. I also have osteoarthritis and depression and anxiety, and notice my shoulder and upper body to diaphragm are always extremely tense and I am unable to relax, despite the fact I'm a psyche nurse of 30 years and know what to do.
I wondered if anyone else notices if they are prescribed them if their symptoms become easier taking benzo medication or similar to relax you as I have noticed I dont cough as much, breathe easier and done wheeze as much. I try and take an objective view and rationalise this but it does seem to make a difference. I suppose if anyone uses cannabis/thc they might feel similar. I'm not here to catch anyone out at all but wondered if others use relaxants do their asthma symptoms improve at all.