Having a bit of an ongoing debate with my husband (who is training to be a nurse and is fairly well read on medical matters).
First a brief outline of my astma:
[*]I don't usually need to take medication
I start using Symbicort if I develop symptoms indicating cold / flu / chest infection
I only suffer asthma symptoms if I develop a chest infection
My main symptom is frequent coughing, mostly during the night, sometimes during the day
My husband's view is that my asthma medication is causing my cough - this comes from the quoted side effecs around medication causing sore throat and hoarseness of voice. He thinks the medication is drying and irritating my airways causing the cough. Naturally, it is difficult to prove from an empirical point of view because my symptom is coughing - but I think my reliever certainly helps reduce the cough... although I am struggling a bit lately with a bad chest infection, so it's not helping much.
Just to be clear, I don't want this to be a debate about our relationship etc and I'm not looking for sympathy. I'm looking for evidence either way from fellow asthma sufferers - based on experience or things you've learned from good medical sources. I'm prepared to keep an open mind either way!
I hope you can help me.