Simple - gave up dairy products and was almost immediately able to give up my inhalers. Direct and permanent effect.
Give up inhalers by going dairy-free - Asthma Community ...
Give up inhalers by going dairy-free
Hey Andy, glad going dairy free is helping, did you talk to your doc before stopping your inhalers? You should never stop taking preventer meds before seeking advice from a doctor.
Hi, Lejaya, thanks for your reply. It is widely-accepted among doctors, nutritionists, etc that milk is mucus-forming, so I'd say that warrants having a go at giving up for a while.
However, you are right about consulting your doctor first, it was probably inconsiderate not to mention it. Apologies.
I didn't consult mine, because, quite frankly, I was unsure if the effects of going dairy-free would last. I didn't want to remove anything from my repeat prescription too hastily. Happily, it's worked out well, and I last needed any inhaler in February.
May be your asthma was allergy based, that's not everybody's case. Glad you are feeling better.
How long after giving up dairy did u feel the benefits. I stopped drinking milk and yougarts for a week but didnt help asthma. Maybe i need to try this longer cudnt hav tea wi out milk. What diet did u change to cud u specify some foods other than diaty so i cud try. I am a very fussy eater who dislikes a lot of foods so find my choice of foods are limitec.
Hi, healthwish, thanks for your reply. I did feel the effects almost immediately, so I'd say that if it didn't help within a week then something else is probably to blame. It is a trial and error process - what works for one person may not work for someone else.
Having said that, if you do want effects with this kind of thing, I'd recommend that you do it properly. You could always try tea with soy/almond/coconut milk. It won't taste quite the same, but you've got to ask yourself what is more important, different tasting tea or getting rid of asthma?
To be fair I consume very little dairy on the grounds I don't really like it & still have asthma.
Whilst not a dairy product, I've always found that eggs can have a mild effect on increasing asthma symptoms (reduced when they are free range)...sadly though not eating eggs doesn't get me anywhere close to not needing inhalers.
I suspect for me it's dairy and wheat but I'm not sure.
This might work for some but what about those of us that don't have a dairy allergy/intolerance?
I've been getting a lot of well meaning advice from friends telling me that dairy is mucus forming. I've certainly heard it said by nurses and maybe there are doctors with the belief too. I decided to check the science and Google throws up quite a lot of information on the subject. I generally discard magazine type articles regarding health and go straight for the science. As far as I can tell, no reliable study has concluded that dairy is mucus forming. It seems that mucus and specific dairy fats emulsify when mixed, which makes them appear thicker, but this doesn't make mucus, merely makes us more aware of it.
I'm sure that asthma symptoms would be worse if someone had a dairy allergy however. I'm glad that your asthma has disappeared since you gave up dairy. Unfortunately it didn't work for me.