Hi everyone im new here and was wondering if anyone's child is on the Xolair injections under the age of 12 ? my daughter is 9 and about to start them in a few weeks , any info greatly received
xolair: Hi everyone im new here and was... - Asthma Community ...

Hi, my son started Xolair when he was 17 then but I thought I'd share with you anyway. He had very severe asthma, constantly on steroids and antibiotics. Used home nebuliser as well and off school a lot. Xolair was the last treatment the consultants could try. Well, within months of starting the injections he was much improved and able to start sports again. It was like a miracle and we were absolutely thrilled. He's now at university, asthma still a bit troublesome but he copes very well.
Good luck with your daughter, do let us know how she gets on. xx
I'm not a child, I am 23 but I have just finished my Xolair trial
I had one great month and nothing since then although they have agreed to keep me on the injections (I feel this is because they don't have much more to give me) so going into the injections I really wouldn't assume they are a miracle cure because for some of us it isn't
Hi Sharneee, sorry, I didnt mean to imply Xolair is a miracle cure for everyone. It has helped my son and we know of others. I dont fully understand how it works (something to do with allergy I think) and as it happened my son was the ideal subject. I know it doesnt work for everyone but for us it did.
Good luck with your treatment and I hope things improve for you.
no no don't be sorry!
I know for many it is and the doctors made out to me that it was so i think its important aswell for people to know that not everyone has the same effect! I wish it would have worked better on me but I am so glad it has been a godsend for your soon!!!
My daughter is 6 and has had xolair injections for 6 months.
She had been on maintenance steroids daily since the age of two. Her asthma was hideous!! She started xolair at a low dose with a few side effects but as the dose has increased, so have the side effects. It's a scary time. We have to outweigh the anaphylactic reactions to the injection against the fact that xolair has given her quality of life back!! She walks and runs with her peers. (She couldn't walk more than a few metres without being sick from coughing) It's lovely to see. It's a big decision whether to carry on though as the side effects can be very scary.
Let us know how you get on