Hi all.
We have just joined today . My daughter (14) has severe very uncontrolled Asthma, it feels like a never ending battle and over the last 3 years have spent more time in hospital than at home (that's how it feels).
It seems like all the specialist do is give her more medication to where it seems like they actually don't know how to control her asthma. The difficulty being that she does not have normal triggers like most asthmatics, she does have triggers of course but mostly she has exacerbations for no reason whatsoever!!
I was advised to come on to asthma forums for support as we feel so low and I am struggling to keep her positive as she feels like she does not have a future anyway so why bother. It is soul destroying listening to how she feels and that she just doesn't want to fight anymore. I feel completely useless, angry, and some emotions that I just cannot explain.
We do not have anyone who understands our isolation or our life. I try so hard to be positive but its so difficult when you never get a break from it.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated