I'm a chronic asthmatic take various,amount of medication..Just started on the xolair injections but I am very unwell after them for up too a,week. Anyone on these and if so do you feel ok after them .
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Chronic asthmatic

Hello I have been having these injections for four years now, the first maybe eight injections tend to be the ones that you feel unwell or you body is getting used to but now don't have any unwellness after only maybe the occasional bruise at injection sign, my sideaffect at first was migraines but the subsided pretty quickly, hope this helps
Emily..aged 20
I'm on them and have been for nearly a year now. I feel tired for a day or so after them but that's all. They have really helped my chronic asthma. I have three injections every four weeks.
I just had my third was fine after the first but the last two I have really been out if it and also sick. Not noticed a great change as if yet so wondering wether to persist with them .
I would, however speak to the nurses at the unit where your having them, make sure you tell them how your feeling. I had mine in Leicester to begin with and the nurses were great, very knowledgable I'm sure if you speak to the nurses they will give you the best advice. mine have really improved my asthma so much, hate having them though..lol