Hi, I'm hoping to gain some insight from people who have overcome their asthma. I would range my asthma as quite light. I had it when I was younger, and I overcame it after a few years of running and physical activities.
Many years later, I stopped working out, and it's compiled. Couple that with living with cats and dogs, my asthma returned. I'm pretty sure it's a combination of weak lung and the agitation brought on by animals.
In anycase, I went to go visit my parents, and decided to go for a walk. 30 seconds walking up a hill i had an asthma attack. Took awhile to calm down, got an inhaler and crashed. I eventually started pushing. Started walking everyday, too spurts of jogs - walking. Now I can do a decent jog for 6-10 minutes without stopping. It's slowly getting better. I've found the most intense method is hill climbs. It's taken awhile to get a breathing rhythm that doesn't collapse or spiral out of control. But it's still very, very weak. It's almost as if Im on the edge everytime. Which is fine. But I wonder if there are more efficient ways of strengthening my lungs.
I go out everyday for about 45min. It's not much, but it's about as much as I can do atm while running in the mountains here. It's very hilly. My energy levels are very poor, so this is the current balance I can do at one sitting.
I wonder if this is not enough though. once a day is a great boost, but I query if im not challenging my lungs enough throughout the day. Is it better to have perhaps 2-3 points throughout the day where I challenge my body/lungs, so they are active more often. Versus a one time session? I suppose this isn't rocket science, I'm just wondering if anyone has gone through a similar point in their lives and actually come out ontop in regards to asthma. I'm very much in the dark here, with no real plan.
I'm leaning towards a general workout in the morning and running in the evening. Perhaps a quick light work out mid day just to stimulate my lungs again before I run in the evening. The only problem is energy levels. I'm not aware of true effective breathing exercises that will truly help with strengthening my lungs. I guess I can google this. However if anyone knows of any breathing techniques that truly work, I would be very interested in learning about them.
Thanks for reading