My son is 2 and was diagnosed a couple of months ago after having asthma attack (although asthma was suspected about 6 months previously due to night time coughing etc).
He wakes without reason sometimes in the night, and tends to wake at bang on 5.15 am every morning. I have read a few articles on how asthma can affect sleep and how respiratory functioning can drop to its lowest at around 4am, but obviously I have no way of knowing if my son is affected in this way or if its just typical toddler sleep issues.
His asthma is pretty well controlled at present, with brown Clenil inhaler twice a day, and we have not needed to use his reliever since having his attack.
Does anyone has any experience of this? Has anyone found things like anti allergy mattress protectors and clearing away cuddly toys etc to really help with sleep?
Any advice or info much appreciated.