When you have had an attack and your stats are 'normal' but you have had to go to A & E via greeny meenies and because your stats have been 'normal' the triage or shift Dr hasn't got a flipping clue and you get dumped in the waiting room.
Have had it happen to me before, 5 hours I had to wait, couldn't ******* breath, coughing like there's no tomorrow to the point where I haven't get the energy to cough but because my stats were 'ok' we're too busy, you're ok. And, then when I am seen it's as if I am wasting their time, get lectured, no neb, no nothing thanks for coming, really made me mad, ignorant Dr's playing roulette with your life because they haven't got a clue and never seem to wake up to the fact that everyone has different symptoms.
This was before I had my major attack when everything went haywire.