After three months of fairly well controlled asthma (which I haven't had for years) I have been having severe nocturnal symptoms for nearly two weeks. This coincides with changing my inhalers after a hospital appointment, a weekend of bad hay fever and a possible virus (I teach 6 year olds and they have been passing round a feel tired but nothing else virus). It is not uncommon for me to wake several times in the night and need an inhaler several times a day but still manage to get by. However, this time I am having trouble getting the doctors to take it seriously. I have seen two nurses and two doctors since Friday. The first nurse thought it was the inhaler dosage and so added more steriod (this was somewhat expected as I had gone from Seretide 500 to Symbicort 200/6. The two doctors said my chest was clear (in the daytime and after several puffs of inhaler) and the nurse I saw today said I probably needed pred but the doctor obviously thinks I don't so we will stick to them. In the past I have had no trouble getting pred with a better peak flow and not as prolonged problems. It is not having pred that is worrying my but the fact that nobody seems to be taking it seriously.
The nurse today said it was best that I phoned the hospital tomorrow (I had a late appointment) and gave me a number but that means at least another night of little sleep, coughing and sitting SOB. Plus I doubt the hospital will see me tomorrow so then more nights after that. I'm really unsure of what is now the best thing to do. This may be because I have had very little sleep for two weeks.
Has anyone else had a similar problem and found a way to demonstrate the difference between day and night symptoms?
I should say that my usual GP is very helpful but is away on holiday at the moment. I have also spoken to the helpline who agreed I needed pred but even after following their advice, I have been unable to get any.