First asthma attack: Hi, I have just... - Asthma Community ...

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First asthma attack

7 Replies

Hi, I have just had my first asthma attack having been

Told years ago I had mild asthma. It was very frightening,

having had my first course of oral steroids.How long before

I make a full recovery? Any advice appreciated,I'm in my early 40's.

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7 Replies

sorry your lungs are misbehaving at the moment - dont worry, most people find that ora steroids are really effective and make their lungs feel much better fairly quickly! How many days were you given? Did you go to the hospital? Did you get a few nebulisers? thats usually what you get, and again, most people find these really help, if they helped for you then you can always bear in mind that worst case scenario, you know that A&E can quickly sort you out. Asthma attacks are pretty scary, but try not to get too stressed, like i say, oral steroids are pretty good! Have you been to see your GP? it might be worth going to them, they can check you are on the best preventor medication to make sure it doesnt happen again (you didnt say what meds you are on but i assume if you were told it was mild asthma then there will be plenty more options available to you!)

make sure you take it easy for a few days, i sometimes find that when im slobbing around not doing anything i can feel pretty good but as soon as i try and do anything my lungs get cross! a few days of sofa surfing will do you a world of good! and if you have been used to having mild asthma you might not always carry your blue inhaler around (i know i didnt always) but its a good habbit to get into, just in case - the earlier you take your reliver, the less likely things are to get bad!

if you need a little rant here is a great place to do it! were the paramedics/A&E staff/doctor good to you? hope you feel better soon! :-)

ps. this is on the parents and carers board - in future stuff like this would be better on the general forum! :-)

Dear Soph, thanks for your kind words! I did not need to

Go to hospital and was put on oral steroids for a week byy gp.I'm on both preventer and reliever

Inhaler and have taken then consistently for the last 10 days.

I have rested as much as I can and trying to get out and about, gradually.

As far as the best place to post, I'm afraid I'm very new to

Forums! And didn't realise where the best place was to ask advice.. Thanks


dont worry about it (this section is supposed to be for parents and carers of asthmatics, general forum would be more relevant to you! i think if one of the moderators notices it they'll move it!) if you look on the all about asthma section, there is a load of info, and on the how we help section there are a load of publications. The stuff about what to do in an asthma attack might be useful, especially if you are not used to having an attack. Its good that you didnt need to go to hospital, but dont be afraid to get help if you ever need it (i find its reassuring to know you have a plan B)

Dear Soph,

Thanks again. You've been a great support!

Tis done. Moved from Parents & carers as mentioned above.

Welcome Michaela and in addition to the above advice, have a good read around both the forum and particularly look at the information available in the 'All about asthma' section of the main Asthma UK website.

Thanks TJ,

Apologies for putting details on wrong page!!

Thanks TJ,

Apologies for putting details on wrong page!!

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